Why Do We Hurt Ourselves?

Why do we hurt ourselves?

We often have the feeling that our personal evolution is not going well, and we feel the need to change everything  or at least most of us, without knowing what.

Today, we would like to share our personal experience in this article with you and start getting rid of that invisible blindfold that we all sometimes wear over our eyes.

Life is full of curves

Curves are what most resemble the trajectory of life, not straight lines. You will agree with us that life is not based on fixed rules or tasks to be completed ” yes or yes “.

Life is based on learning, and that involves failing, making mistakes, moving forward, abandoning, forgetting or prevailing. For this reason, there is nothing wrong with leaving things unfinished (studies, relationships) or not respecting rules imposed by society such as not having children at a certain age, a job, etc.

Nobody should judge you for what you do or stop doing. Remember that the only masters of your life are you.

You will be happy when

you will be convinced

to have the right to be

Take the curve you are in in your life, and if there is something wrong, stop, think, back off , look for what can give you a clue, and take your time.

Time is money, of course, but remember that if you do things without enjoying them and without really being there, it won’t help.


Wrong, but go ahead

Planning your life is fine. And the future is also positive: it allows us to create expectations, dreams, passions and, above all, reflect on what will be the next step towards our dream and make it come true.

However, continual planning based on the decisions made and the time spent in the past is not advisable. Why? First of all, because you have to remember that you owe nothing to anyone  but yourself.

Acting like this makes us close in on ourselves, thinking that we owe something to someone, while the fullness of life lies in owing something only to us.

The fear of what we do not know chains us to the steps already taken, to the decisions taken and of which our loved ones are certainly already a part. However, you will not disappoint anyone if you decide not to follow the plan that was already established.

Try and fail. Even just for taking a step towards what you don’t know, life will reward you with the greatness of your soul .


Choosing the wrong people allows us to learn to be better and to let them go. In this phase of personal relationships when unconditional love is the basis of everything, we would like to ask you: have you ever set out to be someone, instead of worrying about being with someone?

Remember that love comes from the purity of feelings between two human beings, not for convenience or for the idea that “dating leads to become attached”. First we must want to share life with ourselves.

Using a loving relationship to satisfy our fear of not knowing how to deal with ourselves due to lack of knowledge or not being ready to face life is not right.

Before giving your heart,

worry about growing as a person

and to be the best version of yourself.

When you find the right person at that point, that personal growth will no longer be just one individual, but two people: love. Give yourself time to mature and feel the loneliness, its grandeur and the gift of truly being yourself for yourself and your partner.


We improve the past by building the future. We build our existence thanks to successes and experiences, positive or not positive, but never negative.

Do you know why? We like to repeat to ourselves that everything, absolutely everything, happens for something immensely good . And we are not among those who have had an easy life, believe us.

Learn to let go and experience your emotions

Learning to let go is the secret to a full life, without grievances and regrets . Because you learn from mistakes, never forget it.

You are the lords and masters of your emotions. If you allow situations that make you feel bad and those emotions to dominate you, you will always be chained to the past. And you will not advance or feel free.

Compare yourself to others only to surpass yourself, never to forget who you are. We live in the age of numbers, or better still of “followers”. Social networks have created a system in which ” either you have a lot or you are worth little “. And this, like everything, has a positive side and a “less positive” side. Numbers don’t represent who we are.

Making comparisons only serves to want to be better than someone else, when the secret is to improve both in order to be able to give it to the world. Help each other, not compete.

Emotions are treasures, feel them and share them. We live immersed in a society where we prefer what is material and tangible to what is magical and intangible.

Emotions define us,

make us ourselves:

unique and unparalleled

We will never feel the same emotion exactly as the person next to us feels, but we are still able to understand it and be empathetic.

It scares us to be honest and discover our soul based on ” what others  will say  “. Dare and fully experience the greatness of emotions. Learn not to shut yourself up in them and share them with the world.

We abandon our dreams because we are afraid of not being worth enough or not deserving them, when in reality we all exist to make our dreams come true. Being content with having less than what we are entitled to corrupts us.

For this reason, you must live for what, according to your heart, makes you happy. Love for what your body struggles with and work to give to the world and to share the best of you with others and for others.

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