Why Can’t Compulsive Eaters Quit?

Why can't compulsive eaters quit?

Eating should be an extra pleasure in life, something that allows us to nourish our body and at the same time play and experiment with flavors, smells, textures and colors. However, there are millions of people around the world who cannot stop eating. The reasons are different for each subject, but can be grouped into five points.

 1. Unconsciousness

Sometimes we eat without realizing it. This happens very frequently when we eat while we work or do chores in our daily life. Generally this situation occurs when we have already eaten and continue to nibble on foods, such as snacks or sweets. The solution to this problem is to become aware of it the moment we start eating, focus on the moment and move away from any type of food after finishing.

2. Inability to deal with negative feelings

Every day we have to face situations that hurt and damage us emotionally. When such situations arise, we often feel the need to isolate ourselves and escape from reality in some way. When this means of escape is food, we are only trying to fill the soul with unhealthy and nutritious foods. It is important to be able to deal with situations that cause us to be upset, which can be achieved by conversing with our partner, with a good friend or, if necessary, by consulting a psychologist.

3. Food as the only pleasure

Hobbies and favorite activities usually occupy an important place in any person’s life. However,  when you live in solitude or don’t have many pastimes, food can turn into the one and dangerous pleasure. When this happens, food acts as a kind of drug and can cause severe physical harm and disease. To counter this problem, it is important to seek other pastimes and comforting activities.

4. Confusion of physiological needs

When we spend a lot of time without eating or resting, we put ourselves in a situation where it is easy to act as a compulsive eater. In these moments, the body can confuse similar sensations, but which are very different in terms of the benefits they bring. For example, you may think you are hungry when you are really thirsty or sleepy. To avoid confusing your physiological needs, you need to sleep well and eat a balanced diet.

5. Hate yourself

It is difficult to associate the idea of ​​hating your body with that of overeating. However, it is very common: when someone hates their body, they can become addicted to food.  This can represent a very big paradox, but it happens that those who hate their body for reasons of weight, still cannot give up food and continue to eat it makes them feel better about themselves.

Eating emotionally is more than a decision

Although many people believe that compulsive eaters simply decide to continue eating, the reality is that their problem is rooted in the deeper aspects of the psyche. For this reason, it  is very important to help those suffering from this problem to find the right medical help. 

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