When I’m Happy, I Want My Mind To Be On My Side

When I am happy, I want the mind to be on my side

The mind for many of us seems like a real battlefield. And we do not realize that this battle will never end: it is not the right place to find the solution and the mind, then, does not even want to stop being active, so it is happy to be “entertained”.

I am not my mind

This is the first major concept that is important and that perhaps few take into consideration: I am not my mind.

To understand it better, let’s take an example: imagine a chessboard with all the pieces, the white part symbolizes the pleasant aspect of your mind, while the black part is the opposite. Then looking at the individual figures, the pawns are the thoughts, the kings and queens are the feelings and intuitions, the horses represent the memories, etc.

Sometimes in life, just like in a game of chess, the games we play can get very intense and complex with all of these elements. The important thing is not to forget that the chessboard, what supports everything, is us. An element that always remains constant.


The fact that the mind is biologically programmed to detect dangers does not mean that it always warns us.

The dangerous situations that we have experienced in our life put us on alert in the face of a signal, but we must not allow fear to take possession of us. We don’t have to generalize.

Dear readers, therefore, do not feed your mind in a toxic way, otherwise weeds, or negative thoughts, will grow. You don’t even have to ignore them or try to always replace bad thoughts with good ones.

It would be a challenging task and you would only get the opposite effect: paying too much attention to your inner life while neglecting real life. Simply try to change your activities and habits instead of changing your thoughts with more pleasant ones.

Strategies to foster a good relationship with the mind

You may not be giving your mind any chance to stop thinking negatively, for two basic reasons:

For example, your mind tells you that you are sick, that if you go out it will be a disaster, and that it is better if you stay at home. You are not looking for anything true that makes you understand that this is more than an idea in your head and not an interference in your life, you just believe it without looking for other alternatives.

Another example is when you are tired of thinking or feeling this way, but you keep reading the same books, you continue to have relationships with people who will give you nothing and to carry out activities that do not satisfy you, in other words you continue to do the same things.

Obviously, eventually you will end up believing everything your mind says about you, without looking for other alternatives and adapting. But doing the same things over and over won’t lead you to different results …

The fact is that sometimes laziness in acting and making decisions in life is the first step leading to the development of mental disorders.


For this reason, speak to your mind, from the depths of yourself, unique people in terms of feelings, passions, language and way of acting.

Tell her you will take her into consideration. And that you want to be happy together.

That you cannot ask her to cease her activity, because that would be to suffocate her very nature, while you are her allies, not her enemies.

That you thank her for the balance she has given you, thus avoiding you to make wrong decisions at certain times, for its complexity, which has allowed your daily life to be enriched with moments of absolute splendor so that you always have something interesting. to tell.

But also tell her that you need calm to get things done, with no interest in getting an analysis about it. Simply tell your mind that you want to accept his presence and that you wish it to be mutual so that together you can reach maturity.

In the end, you belong to each other forever. Put the past aside and build a true relationship with your mind, one that allows you to achieve big dreams and help you forget when you have felt small and helpless.

Isn’t it time to build a real future together ?

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