What Is The Normal Development Of A Baby Between 4 And 6 Months?

What is the normal development of a baby between 4 and 6 months?

Would you like to know the key points of the normal development of a baby between 4 and 6 months of life? In this first phase of life, newborns feel a great curiosity to discover the world around them. Everything attracts their attention, they become little observers who look in amazement at everything that happens around them.

Each child has its own rhythm, in fact, although there are standard patterns in the development of all children, some take longer than others to reach the various stages of their growth.

If you have any doubts, you’d better consult your pediatrician before getting unnecessarily alarmed. The doctor will be able to guide you and solve your doubts as parents, reporting any delay or possible problem in the development phase of your child.

What is the normal development of a baby between 4 and 6 months?

The fourth month is that of smiles

During the fourth month of life, babies usually begin to control their head: they are finally able to lift it by themselves. This is a very important progress in the life of the little one. At the same time, they begin to grab objects more easily, paying attention to the ones that interest them most. In addition, they perfectly recognize their mom.

the normal development of a baby at 4 months

Through the smile, you can establish a greater connection with the child, he loves to do it and he will respond to you in turn with a cheerful smile. At this stage, the little ones don’t like to be alone, and they won’t hesitate to let you know – in their own way, of course. In the fourth month they have a lot of fun with mirrors: they do not distinguish who they are in front of, but interact with the human figure that appears in front of them even without knowing who it is.

In this period the newborn will be the joy of all because he likes to observe everything and interact especially with the people who smile at him. At this stage of development, even the first tender laughter may appear.

The fifth month … the one in which you put everything in your mouth

In the fifth month of life, the baby will have the habit of grasping any object that comes within range. He is exploring the world around him and making the most of the learned skill. He will also try to bring objects to his mouth as he is beginning to develop a sense of taste.

normal development of a baby at 5 months

The child acquires the ability to pass objects taken from one hand to the other. In this phase of growth he is very active, he moves a lot as he has gained more control over his head and limbs. He can even roll over on his own in bed while he sleeps.

The difference from the fourth month is that he is no longer smiling at any person – he is starting to distinguish familiar faces. Therefore, he will smile only at the faces he is used to seeing.

The characteristics of the sixth month of life

In the sixth month of life, the baby learns to turn around on its own; for this reason it is good to be careful that it does not fall from high places, such as the changing table on which you are changing it. It is also the period of the first teeth, which as they grow will cause discomfort.

normal development of a baby in the sixth month

Now his attention is all on the feet, a source of great laughter for the parents, because the baby will tend to carry them in his mouth and suck them. He gains more strength in his hands and will be able to pass objects from one hand to the other with greater ease than before.

His attention will be focused primarily on the people who pay him the most attention and meet his needs. For this reason, in the first months of a child’s life, the connection that is generated between him and the mother, as well as between him and the father, is fundamental. This is a crucial moment in the child’s emotional development and, if you are there for him and you can meet his needs at the right timeā€¦ you have already taken a good step forward!

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