We Will Be Treated As We Treat Animals

We will be treated as we treat animals

You certainly know the phrase that says “Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself”. We could also add ” As you behave with animals, so they will behave with you “. What does it mean? It means, for example, that children learn not only to be kind by observing how we relate to others, but also how we treat animals.

Don’t forget that if they see you beating a dog, they will do the same with their siblings or schoolmates; if they witness the abandonment of an animal because it is now old and sick, perhaps they will remember it when you have reached old age.

How to treat animals?

We will talk specifically about pets, as doing it more generally in one article could be pretentious. So let’s talk about the most common pets: dogs.

girl hugging a husky

Dogs offer us unconditional love, are loyal and protect us from any danger. They wouldn’t think twice about giving their lives for us if they thought this could save us.

People have an “ethical” obligation with dogs and must return the affection they give in a selfless way. If we don’t value this debt, we value at least the smartest behavior: protecting what’s best for us; dogs, of course, are.

First, we must protect them because they are living beings and  when we bring them to our home, we are responsible for them. Let’s not forget that they have feelings, that they suffer and enjoy, they need affection, as well as food or warmth in the winter.

Treat animals as you would like to be treated yourself

It is not necessary to put yourself in your pet’s shoes or try to sleep in a kennel or feed yourself, but understand that a dog or a cat are not just soft toys to leave on a shelf  and observe from afar.

The attention and care you offer to these animals will define the state of health and mood they will have. Although some people only fulfill basic needs (food, drink and shelter), others offer their pets great unconditional love and value them more than people.

If you understand that they are living beings just like us and therefore have feelings, you should also understand what is the best way to deal with them. The game, the caresses or their little “culinary delights” can be a good way to thank them for the company and the attention they reserve us.

happy boy and dog

The teaching we give by taking care of animals

Your son insisted several times and, in the end, you gave in and gave him a dog. Maybe you bought it or adopted it in a kennel (in the latter case you will realize how grateful and faithful your new friend can be), but the important thing is how you treat him from now on.

As you surely know, everything you do is imitated by the little ones; the good and the bad. If you show compassion, affection and protection towards the newcomer, they will do the same. If, on the other hand, you abuse him, keep him tied up in a small space and give him a piece of meat when you remember, what do you think your children will do with him or other animals?

Would you like that your children, as they grow up, become aggressive people towards other beings (humans and animals)? Certainly not. To begin, therefore, you must explain to them that pets are not toys that last a few weeks and then forget in a drawer. Animals don’t deserve oblivion, if only for the simple fact that they always remind us.

Share the responsibility that comes with having a pet among all family members and take care of it as if it were an integral part of it. Do not educate a dog with punishments or blows, love him and offer him everything he needs. If you are unwilling to take on this responsibility for the life of the animal, abandon the idea of ​​having a dog. 

Ignoring the needs of pets because they are “inferior”  is a form of discrimination  and another lesson taught to your children. There is no reason to exclude them from your life or do them what you would not want them to do to you.

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