The Positive Side Of Anger

The positive side of anger

Depending on the point of view from which we look at it, everything can be positive or negative. And even if it is certain that anger is an emotion with a bad reputation and certainly not one of the most popular, it is good to learn to see the positive sides of this feeling as well.

Did you know that getting angry has a positive side? Of course yes: if we can keep the situation in balance, there is no problem. Having feelings of anger is not always bad, and expressing our frustration in the right way can help us avoid many problems and even illnesses.

Anger ranks one step further than simple irritation or anger, although very often these three words are used interchangeably.

A recent study on anger revealed that while we usually think of it as a “primitive” emotion, that it is not good for us and that it has negative effects on us, in reality it is not. As we said at the beginning , even negative things hide a good side, as in the symbol of Yin and Yang.

Anger not only serves to make us feel bad, to spark useless fights, to make us say things we will later regret and not make us correctly visualize the consequences of our actions, but it can also be able to become beneficial if we use it in our favor.

Yet, this emotion has always been condemned as something bad and destructive, which must be repressed, diverted or hidden. Even today we continue to be of this idea and when we are angry, we try in every way not to show it. We believe that anger is something unreasonable and unmentionable, never to be shown.

What are the benefits of expressing anger?

As with all other emotions, anger also has a reason for existing and tasks to perform. It can be used for positive purposes, for example. Don’t believe it? We will explain the reasons immediately!

First of all, being angry unleashes a force that motivates us. How many times has it happened to you that you have gotten very angry about something, to the point of being able to change it or making an effort to improve it? Anger is a way to break down the mental walls and open the doors of our emotions, overcoming the obstacles that we set ourselves and that block us. If something pisses us off, chances are we’ll fix it.

People who get angry have often been shown to be more optimistic. Well yes, even if it may seem counterintuitive! Those who get angry about specific issues take the reins of the situation in hand, as we said earlier. For this, he knows that things can change for the better, and little by little he becomes less pessimistic.

The third benefit of anger is that this feeling can help us relate to others. Since getting angry is a way of communicating what we feel, especially about what we consider unfair, it is a good way to explain to others what we think about certain issues or how we feel. 

From an early age we are taught that anger is dangerous and negative, and must be repressed. Still, if they gave us a chance to express our frustration, there would be fewer problems. Hiding when we disagree with something or someone destroys the sincerity of our relationships.

Did you know that anger also helps us to know ourselves better? That’s right, because it makes us understand how we really are, how we react to what happens to us. It gives us some really valuable information if we can manage it intelligently, and it helps us create a complete opinion of ourselves and understand our life better. Plus, it can be a wonderful incentive for change.

The fifth reason it’s important is that anger helps us reduce violence . Perhaps this statement will seem strange to you and you will have reread it twice. But no, we weren’t wrong. As we explained earlier, anger, when it is best managed, gives rise to the desire to solve problems, not to accept what is unfair and seek a solution for every situation.

Finally, anger can be used as a negotiating strategy. Many people use this feeling to get what they want. We cannot say that it is always a correct method, but it is certainly another of the positive characteristics of anger that is worth investigating.

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