The Most Exciting Moments Are Not Marked By The Clock

The most exciting moments are not marked by the clock

The most exciting moments are not marked by the clock, rather they are marked by an “I love you” in a low voice, a walk in the rain, an afternoon of reading, an unexpected hug or a look that says it all without the need for words. Happy moments form that tattoo of immense beauty in our heart that no one can deprive us of.

Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote that this world is filled with such beautiful things that we should all be happy like royalty. However, far from being kings, we often seem shipwrecked in the ocean that is our life. Maybe we should have the innocence of children and the mind of a novelist to get a little more passionate. To be more receptive to that simple beauty, full of possibilities that we find in our daily life.

It is possible that our lives do not shine like diamonds,  that no matter how much we try to listen inside a shell, it does not give us the sound of the sea, the noise of dreams. Putting on an adult’s shoes often implies turning off childhood dreams one by one to set out along the path of resignation. Where is the magic now? Where is that vital energy that should intoxicate our being to make us happy as gods?

There are no emergency exits to happiness. There are no magic formulas either. Rather than hoping to have a fascinating life, the key is to be able to facilitate and appreciate the “exciting moments”. However, it is also necessary to remember two aspects. These significant moments are not programmed on the calendar of our mobile phone and much less will we find them by chance thanks to destiny.

We must go out and look for them, because happiness is not around us, it is created within us. You don’t have to be a king to be happy, just receptive men and women.


Movement: the key to happiness

At the beginning we mentioned Robert Louis Stevenson. Henry James, another famous writer, said he had the soul of a child and that his eagerness for adventure had allowed him to live an exciting life despite his poor health. In fact, that was how he approached life: with passion and humility. We could then infer that happiness is a matter of attitude, however, it is much more.

Our brain almost always changes its structure. It does this according to our actions, our thoughts and feelings. But be careful, just “being positive” is not enough to have a more resilient, more flexible mentality. Passion also helps with this neuroplasticity, because it gives us a way of acting, and in turn a concrete way of reacting.

What at first frightens us and we interpret as a threat, can become, if we want it, a challenge. Not only that, but also an exciting stage that will bring us wisdom and an authentic emotional anchor from which to draw our strength in the future.


To live is above all to move, to favor certain things and to react in front of them with courage. It is this capacity for movement, restlessness and existential permeability that allows us to survive. On the contrary, focusing on the negative makes us passive, makes us run aground like old boats in the bay of unhappiness. Nothing happens here. The clocks do not advance, nothing is born, nothing new appears on the horizon to make us feel alive. Passionate about ourselves and what surrounds us.

The most passionate moments, the language of the heart

The word passion is really beautiful. Few words encapsulate the idea of ​​personal growth so well, where there is a balance point between what we do and what we feel, and these two things exist in perfect harmony. Passion is a feeling of satisfaction and in turn delineates an indescribable degree of happiness and pleasure in doing something.

To be happy, you don’t need to lead an exciting life, just have passion. We know that self-help books have spread exponentially in recent years, and although many of them invite us to be more optimistic, we realize that the formula is not always effective. A small “blow” is really enough to bring out the old warhorses: fear, frustration, disappointment, sadness …

Let’s try to have more passion. We try to survive this complex world thanks to what defines us: our loved ones, our family, good friends, good memories and, of course, love for ourselves.


Passion is that inner strength that will make us love as a divinity while leading a mortal life. It is that energy that brings us genuine joy starting each day with courage knowing that we have a goal: to continue to advance, to grow, to enjoy the “here and now”.

To nurture this dimension,  never stop cultivating curiosity, seeing life through the eyes of your inner child. There may not be an ocean inside a shell, but if you listen closely, you might hear it. You will have to be just a little more receptive and believe that magic still exists, just believe it.

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