The Best Quotes Of Leo Tolstoy

Reading the best quotes from Leo Tolstoy is always a good idea. Undoubtedly, in addition to helping the reader to assume a certain perspective on life, the reader is learning from one of the most important intellectuals in history, both in his native Russia and worldwide.
The best quotes of Lev Tolstoy

Reading the best quotes from Leo Tolstoy is always a good idea. In addition to helping the reader to assume a certain philosophy of life, it is possible for him to learn from one of the most important intellectuals in history, both in his native Russia and worldwide.

The figure of Leo Tolstoy (in Italy also known as Leo Tolstoy) has created a myth. We are talking about a convinced and controversial anarchist for his ideas and for his realism. Historically flattered in many corners of the planet, he gave a strong moral stamp and a regionalist component to his novels. In this article we invite you to discover the best quotes from Lev Tolstoi .

The best quotes of Lev Tolstoy

Let’s read together the best phrases of Leo Tolstoy, a source of great inspiration. We recall that this Russian writer, born in the nineteenth century, was the author of great works that made history, such as Anna Karenina or War and Peace, as well as being a staunch vegetarian and a great defender of non-violent struggle.

Undoubtedly, a journey to discover the work of this fantastic writer is worthwhile. We are faced with pure Russian realism, at the service of humanity of yesterday, today and forever.

The best quotes of Lev Tolstoy

Learn to be happy

We have a certain degree of influence on what happens outside of us and, moreover, this degree is amplified by the control over our thoughts (and, indirectly, our emotions).

If we cannot transform a given situation, we can sometimes transform our point of view on it. Look for other places that reveal hidden opportunities where you didn’t think there was fertile ground.

The importance of faith

A man of strong convictions like Tolstoy kept a special corner for faith. However, these beliefs were not limited to faith understood from the religious point of view, but to many areas in which “believing” plays an important role, as ballast or motivation.

Tolstoy firmly believed in anarchy, vegetarianism and non-violence. He was very firm in his beliefs and had strong faith in them. Thanks to his beliefs, he found in himself the strength to live for 82 years, until his death in 1910.


It is not easy to have your own ideas and be firm in your beliefs. Many people, feeling misunderstood, prefer to put their ideas aside and think like everyone else, so as to feel part of the society that surrounds them. Is this better or stand still and live in solitude?

Man with uncertainty

The order of things

What good is ideology, faith, religion or country if you have nothing to eat? Before talking about philosophy, literature and similar topics, wouldn’t it be better to feed everyone? Or at least, that was Tolstoy’s thinking.

A matter of priority

One of the best quotes from Lev Tolstoy and that goes well with the previous one. According to the Russian writer,  equality was very important and so was the fair distribution of wealth. If we want educated and prepared people, we must first make sure that basic needs are met, so that attention is focused on other goals, other than the need to satisfy basic needs.

The marriage

According to Tolstoy, the perfect and ideal marriage is one in which both members of the couple are rowing in the same direction. It is enough for one of the two to make a false step, or to make a mistake, to wreck the boat that had been built with so much affection.

The greatness

Among the best quotations of Lev Tolstoy, this one might seem banal when seen with modern eyes, but this does not mean that the great novelist was not right. Greatness does not come from a basis of power and money, but is achieved through humility, generosity and sincerity.

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