The Best Age Is When We Start Making Dreams Come True

The best age is when we start making dreams come true

They say that the years are like the smoke that comes out of the window and draws beautiful shapes in the air until, little by little, it disappears. However, people are neither smoke nor wind: they are breaths, they are sighs, they are life lived and dreams to be realized day by day.

In your opinion, what is the best age of the human being? In reality, there is no precise age that symbolizes perfect balance: during youth, one is more naive and unaware, while during mature age, one is more prudent and wiser; at the same time, however, during adulthood, one suffers from an anxiety that is not possessed in immature youth.

The best age is when we stop counting the years and start making our dreams come true. To do this, we need courage, a little audacity and the abandonment of many fears that, for a long time, have kept us prisoner.

Often we shield ourselves with a thousand excuses, we put stones in our shoes that prevent us from advancing along the path of our dreams: “now is not the time”, “my partner is not fine”, “it certainly won’t fit me” , “I feel it won’t work”, etc.

Many times we turn into skilled craftsmen and self-clip our wings. Limiting thoughts, prejudices and insecurity are the real “free radicals” that make us age internally, they give us more years than we actually have.

Accumulating youth is an art that we should all cultivate from a very young age. Because the real purpose of life is knowing how to live it with maximum intensity, hope and passion, trying to touch each of our dreams with the tip of your fingers. Are you doing it?

The best age is in your heart

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The best age is when you are comfortable with yourself, satisfied with what you have and also with the goals that remain to be achieved. Because whoever does not have dreams is a walking dead, because whoever does not hope has no magic in his heart, nor light in his thoughts.

The worst of tragedies is not turning years, not seeing a new wrinkle on the face, or noticing an extra pound on the hips. The real sadness is a life not lived, the fact that those wrinkles tell no story, that those hips haven’t moved around the world.

Tell us, how old is your heart? If he is full of plans and continues to beat with strength and happiness for having already fulfilled a part of his wishes, then rest assured that you are in the best age. Don’t let anyone say otherwise.

Now, it is clear that it is not always easy to realize the so-called “dreams in the drawer”. There are people who laugh at these dreams and who say that, in reality, they are fantasies, children’s things. Don’t listen to these words.

Only children know the true value of life, because their gaze is full of curiosity, innocence and the desire to experiment. Barriers begin to appear with maturity and with the following aspects:

  • The influence of third parties. They can be your family members or your partner. They are intimate and important people for you who take away your hope and who cut the threads of your desires, and you allow them to do so.
  • The limiting thoughts. Those that you self-impose on yourself through ideas such as “I am not capable”, “this is not my strong point”, “I will never be well” , and above all with phrases such as “now is not the time”, “it is better if I do it later ”,“ I do something else first ” . In this way, the day when you have to go to work never comes.
  • Insecurity. “ What if I’m wrong…? “. It is clear that, in order to fulfill some of your wishes, you have to step outside your comfort zone. Remember that the real dreams are those that are beyond the limits of this area, it is worth crossing it!
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Instructions for arriving radiant at the best age

Don’t be afraid to turn a birthday: the reason you really need to worry is that you haven’t fulfilled some of your dreams. People are made of a material that is magical, fragile and stimulating at the same time.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath as you convince yourself that life is boldness and passion, that the things you have left to live are the best and that you need to start here and now.

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What are the instructions for arriving radiant at your best age? Take note of these simple tips:

  • Have fun : always do what you are truly passionate about, what defines you and makes your heart laugh, whatever it is.
  • Do not harm anyone : live every day of your life with maximum intensity, but be careful not to hurt anyone. Also protect yourself from possible blows of others.
  • Do not accept defeats : never give up, never give your back to a closed door. The trains will continue to pass if you take a step forward and if you dare to try again not once, but ten times.
  • Strive to be happy – we guarantee it won’t cost you anything. Often, it is enough to think a little bit more about yourself.

Images courtesy of Mariana Calacheva, Isabelle Desrochers, Sylvie Daigneault

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