Sometimes I Can’t Do Everything, But There’s Nothing Wrong With It

Sometimes I can't do everything, but there is nothing wrong with that

Sometimes I can’t do everything, I can’t do it, I can’t get there. I don’t have enough hands, eyes and time for everyone and everything… but there’s nothing wrong with that. This is not relevant, because knowing my limits and knowing where my possibilities end is a fair and healthy thing. Understanding that I also need myself, and that I have every right to be able to say “I can’t go further” is fundamental in order not to lose the thread of my life.

It may seem ironic, but if there is an emotional phase that we all arrive at sooner or later, it is that of “feeling tired of being tired”. It is an undoubtedly overwhelming vital experience: not only do we become prisoners of a body that feels suffocated, two thoughts spread in our heads that scream in unison. The first does nothing but repeat “don’t stop now, you have so many things to do”, the other insists relentlessly in repeating that “I have exhausted all strength”.

In these situations it is useless to sing the song “Let it Go” from the animated film Frozen or draw mandalas or take an evening off or disconnect from everyone for a couple of hours imagining that you are the only inhabitants of the earth, alone and without anyone. to pay attention to. These are only temporary remedies in the face of a very deep wound, anesthetics that do not stop the bleeding and that hardly heal or cure.

Strange as it may seem, there are fatigue that reflect hidden problems, very debilitating stress and anxiety processes. Phases in which we stumble upon the arid impossibility of thinking clearly, of using the right strategies to deal with a state of mind that extinguishes our vitality making us fall to the ground.

I feel “tired of being tired”, suffocated by not being able to take on my responsibilities

To understand the complexity of these situations, here is a simple example to reflect on. Carolina works every day from 9 to 17. When her working day ends, she takes care of her mother, who is ill with Alzheimer’s. Every month she sets aside a part of her salary to be able to pay a master’s degree to her younger sister since her husband, currently unemployed, cannot do it. Carolina wants the best for everyone, she wants to look after her mother, offer her sister a future and give the couple an image of normality.

The level of physical and mental exhaustion gradually reached by the protagonist of our example is extreme. There are days when he thinks about other options, such as paying a person to look after his mother, but he knows that by doing so he would have to forgo the money needed to pay his sister’s master’s degree.

His brain is constantly looking for alternatives, and the frontal lobes, which reflect and analyze, take charge of this activity. Yet when they cannot find the right solutions to difficult times, the primitive brain kicks in.

It is in that moment that we feel immobilized, when our brain chemistry changes and the mind transforms into a dead end maze in which we become trapped in “whatever I do, it will go wrong”. The heart speeds up, hormones are altered and fear takes over. That internal cyclone that razes everything to the ground also overwhelms the mind and body, forcing them to such an intense state of activity, with fatigue that threatens every atom, every fiber, every tendon and every heartbeat …

tired woman

Sometimes we can’t do everything, but there is nothing wrong with that

“I have so many things to do that I don’t know where to start, but if I don’t start now, it will be worse afterward.” “My boss will scold me if I don’t finish this assignment.” “I will disappoint my parents if I don’t go to them tonight”… If we think of these and other phrases that color our language, we will realize how we live rooted in the concept of “if I don’t, it’s possible that…”.

Living in this world of assumptions, almost always associated with catastrophic thoughts, suffocates the mind and annihilates the soul. Firmly admitting that you cannot always do everything you have to do is a principle of health and emotional hygiene, because those who put everything on their shoulders will sooner or later run out of strength. For this we propose to reflect for a moment on the following dimensions. We are sure they will help you.

flower woman

Tired of being tired? It’s time for a change

While it’s hard for us to admit it, we sometimes fall into our own trap. R ipeterci that “we can do everything” is very dangerous inclination, an error to be corrected by integrating thinking patterns most motivating and self respect. Here are some of them:

  • Every day, when you wake up, remember this simple phrase: “I am giving my best considering the resources I have and the physical state I am in”.
  • Avoid the trap that we often fall into with our language or thought. Replace the “I don’t do it well enough, I have to work hard to succeed in everything” with the “I give the maximum I am capable of every day and every moment without, however, neglecting myself”.
  • When you feel suffocated, when you feel that your body is unable to move forward, analyze your thoughts, regardless of your level of fatigue. Sometimes  what consumes us most is our own discouragement, our own negative thoughts, the “I can’t do it”, and the “whatever he does will do no good”.

Last but not least, it is essential to pay attention to your daily rhythms and your routine. Allowing yourself a few moments of rest, having a few hours a day just for us, does not mean that we do not care less than others: it is healthy, balancing and gives well-being.

Likewise, having the courage to admit your limitations aloud, not being able to go further or not being able to take on further responsibilities does not involve any catastrophe, it is not the end of the world, the stars will not fall from the sky or rot the stars. flowers…

Try it, put these tips into practice and you will find that NOTHING bad will happen …

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