Relaxing Herbal Teas To Find Calm

Relaxing herbal teas to find calm

We always live in a hurry, with no time available and under stress. The unrestrained pace of our days consumes us. When we get home or before going to bed, it is therefore advisable to take a few minutes to release all the accumulated stress. One of the best ways to find calm is to take advantage of the properties of some relaxing herbal teas.

These are quick, easy and healthy options. Herbal teas have natural properties which, in addition to helping sleep better, relieve tension and nervousness. However, it is necessary to know how to regulate the doses, since excess can harm health. Let’s see which herbal teas can help us find calm after a stressful day .

Relaxing herbal teas to find calm


Although it has spread all over the planet, this famous plant is of European origin. It is one of the most used to treat anxiety and insomnia problems thanks to its sedative effect.

Valerian cup

Its properties directly affect the central nervous system, allowing to relieve, in addition to anxiety, feelings of sadness, nervousness or anguish. For this reason, it is also considered a good ally to quit smoking.

Valerian promotes sleep, ensuring a longer rest, and improves circulation by stabilizing the heart rhythm, so as to prevent possible arrhythmias. This pleasant-tasting herbal tea is recommended for students in exam times and for all those people who struggle to sleep or suffer from anxiety.


This aromatic plant has multiple benefits for mental health and well-being. It is a powerful remedy for nervousness, anxiety and stress. In addition, it is used to treat a large number of pathologies and pains. It also has sedative and antispasmodic properties, which contribute to better digestive and intestinal functioning.

This herbal tea helps to find calm also because it is particularly  useful for calming muscle pain and avoiding cramps and contractures.  You can add a little lemon balm to the bath water and enjoy all its benefits in total relaxation.

Linden flowers

Of oriental origin, it is one of the best herbal teas to calm the nerves and induce sleep, calm digestive disorders or expectoration processes. It also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory thanks to its  analgesic effects.

Linden flowers are very suitable in case of insomnia or anxiety. Just drink an herbal tea 15 minutes before going to bed to rest deeply.

Linden herbal tea


Less well known than previous relaxing herbal teas,  kava is a plant native to the South Pacific that is very effective in fighting anxiety. It is a root with relaxing, sedating and hypnotic properties, but it also has some contraindications.

Kava has been used by the populations of Fiji and Samoa for more than 2000 years as a drink to be served in ceremonies and welcome parties. Generating a good mood and a positive attitude  does not produce euphoria, but a very pleasant feeling of relaxation. For this reason, it is one of the best herbal teas to relax.

But be careful! The maximum recommended daily use ranges between 30 and 70 mg. It may have hepatic contraindications and it is best to avoid taking it if you suffer from neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s.


Hops are not known for their relaxing properties, but as one of the four basic ingredients in beer. It should be known that its characteristic  bitter taste comes from a plant similar to that of the vine,  of the cannabis family, but without any amazing properties.

Hops are a very effective plant against nervous system disorders that cause states of alertness, anxiety, nervousness, depression or stress. Calms muscle cramps, promotes digestion and fights insomnia.


Chamomile has calming, sedative and antioxidant properties. Combined with lavender, the incidence on anxiety and stress increases. For this reason it is also considered a powerful remedy to help sleep and has a relaxing effect during the day.

Woman takes chamomile

All these relaxing herbal teas can be drunk both hot and cold, since the properties are not altered. It is enough to know how to choose the ones that best suit our tastes and goals and enjoy all their benefits. Remember that they do not contain chemicals, therefore they are totally natural. 

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