Put Effort Into Your Greatest Masterpiece: Yourself

Put effort into your greatest masterpiece: yourself

In this moment of life on planet Earth, we have a fundamental task, even if we undertake to take away the importance of our existence with that excessive modesty that feeds disappointment. Don’t forget, you are your own masterpiece. This is not an unnecessary injection of ego, but a basic reality to prevent disappointment from taking root in your life: when you have no more hope, all is lost.

Maybe you feel a bit useless, sad, tired, suffocated by the uncertainty that is going through your life… However, you should know that there are some strategies to remedy this feeling. You are your greatest masterpiece, so put some effort into it.

Change your point of view

Psychologist George Kelly is the father of the technique known as “fixed role”, which is the idea of ​​attributing a different role to someone who is “emotionally stuck” on certain problems. The aim is to give him the opportunity to try a different role from the one he himself has built and which, in a certain way, limits the search for alternatives because of his mind.

This technique makes us understand that, in life, it is not about pretending to be a different person to be happy, yet, perhaps, we must explore alternatives that are still part of our personality, to suffocate the toxic part that prevents us from bringing out that. positive.

The idea is that we are our own sculptors and that, little by little and over time, we give ourselves a shape and carve ourselves based on our knowledge and techniques. We are our own work of art.

Man opening the door of happiness

Focus on change

If you value yourself and are willing to pamper yourself a little, it is good to understand that you need a change and that this requires perseverance and commitment. For this reason, you can draw up a plan to follow :

  • Be realistic about your situation, but plan something that can improve it in the medium or long term.
  • Consider your values, what is important to you. Throughout the process, it is the only thing that will keep you afloat.
  • Create a plan that fits your reality, but without losing sight of the ultimate goal.
  • Test it over time to see if it is sustainable in the long term. This is a vital step.
  • Be aware that working on yourself requires habits and that, usually, these are established monthly.
  • Choose the people you want around you as accurately as possible. Be smart: you have to take care of your emotions, but also surround yourself with people who share new interests and new goals with you. Remember that quantity is rarely synonymous with quality.
  • Consistency, consistency and consistency again : Pick small daily challenges and set rewards if you can achieve those goals.
  • Do not think about what you have left behind: rethinking the options now discarded is not only a source of uncertainty, but also of discomfort, which would make it difficult to follow the path you have chosen.
  • Beware with certain cognitive distortions, such as the divine reward fallacy.
  • Consider your goal as a concrete fact and not a dream.

What are your passions? What do you hate?

If you know what your passions are, follow them. If you also know what things you hate, do them as little as possible, unless it is out of duty, chance or responsibility. This rule, which seems so simple, is what separates maturity from emotional masochism.

Another very important aspect to take into account is the fact that many of our passions also involve non-advisable elements. For example, reading a book involves smoking a cigarette at the same time. It is necessary to review your habits, not only to be able to adopt new ones, but also to improve those that already exist and which have to do with basic aspects such as the time, company, frequency, place and time chosen , etc.

Because, if you are your own masterpiece, what else do you want to add?

Woman on the meadow

Stop trying to move on. If necessary, close the whole book

Sometimes, we try to extract positive aspects from the experiences we live, even if this positive part is not that big. In difficult moments, it is advisable to retain the teachings received, which in some cases are limited to the pride of the strength with which we have faced the problem and remained standing, without even showing that we were hurt.

However, sometimes, for wanting to be too good, we try to save something of what has been destroyed to preserve our self-esteem, because we think that from all evil it is possible to extract good. However, if the flames were too high and intense, there is no point in throwing yourself back into the fire to save something, because we would end up burning ourselves.

Your decision

Remember that every moment is good to take out the canvas and start painting and that that canvas has a memory, but it needs the perfect conditions to become art.

This is why you have to go outside, pamper yourself, love yourself and believe that even if your masterpiece is not finished and, perhaps, it is a bit crumpled due to the passing years, in reality it is a blank canvas when seen below. the right light. This is your life and your reality. The rest is in your head, where there is always a bit of a lie, and which, at times, prevents us from continuing to paint. Don’t forget, you are your best masterpiece.

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