One Cannot Be Silent When The Heart Cries Out

One cannot be silent when the heart cries out

An unheard heart is a heart overflowing with anguish, a heart that is impossible to gag and silence. The more you try to suppress it, the more strength it will acquire to make itself felt. This is love, an incessant force that cannot go unnoticed. It takes possession of us and seriously undermines our reason.

The inner dialogue becomes a constant, a succession of sensations, ups and downs, contradictions that we are unable to control, nor of course to understand … Have you ever tried to go against what you felt to follow reason? If you have, you will know that it is by no means easy. It presupposes a struggle in which there is no winner, but from which one cannot escape unscathed.


Much of me stayed with you

As the days go by and we realize that we are missing something, we begin to experience that feeling of emptiness inside that is independent of all the people around us or who support us. This is how loneliness presents itself. Because being alone means most of all not being able to be with the person you love, the one with whom we would like to share everything that is part of our life.

Time passes, but nothing seems able to fill that void; we realize that a part of us has moved away, leaving a wound in the soul free to creep into feelings. Life does not shine in the same way, the motivations lose their intensity, nothing makes sense; hope begins to rot.

We realize that we are left alone with our feelings, abandoned, wounded; with incomplete dreams. Despondency torments us and throbs in the chest.

Disconnecting is not the solution

In a tragic situation where lack of love, abandonment or significant loss reigns, you tend to protect yourself by not getting into the problem. We disconnect in order not to suffer, we move away emotionally both from ourselves and from the people around us.

A disconnection of this type may be necessary at certain times, when you are faced with a situation that is difficult to deal with alone. If we feel we are not ready to face it and do not believe we have sufficient resources to do so, the best momentary solution is emotional detachment. In this way, any form of suffering or lack of common sense will be avoided.

Living in this way has consequences, it is forbidden to stay in this state for a long time : one cannot risk losing oneself and one’s identity; life would become a routine, something automatic, devoid of intensity; we would not allow ourselves to experience the passion and joie de vivre.

Losing ourselves is not the solution: we must rather encounter ourselves again, with our fears and with all the sadness that is hounding us and that we do not have the courage to face. The wounds remain there even if you don’t mind them. Deciding to face pain, to listen to it and to manage it requires great courage, but it is the only way to recover our fluids and our life energy.


The cries of nostalgia

Man has a strong need to merge with other human beings and to receive affection, which makes him extremely fragile. We feel the weakness in the soul and a feeling of suffocation that accompanies us every day, leaving us breathless and head down in the face of any circumstance.

The one who suffers because his love is unrequited comes to feel a nostalgia that is easily transmitted through the language of the eyes, voice or the posture of his body.

Doing anything takes a lot of effort. The thought and imagination of the loved one haunt us at every step, accompanying us in our desolation. There is nothing left for us to do but release that discouragement, give the green light to sadness, abandon all forms of hope to return to the harsh reality. With the passage of time, the degree of acceptance will be higher and higher.

The cries that once deafened us will begin to lose their power. Listening to them, paying attention to them, leaving them free to manifest themselves, they will be silent, and we will find ourselves at peace with that feeling of love that has left a permanent imprint within us. We will go in the same direction as the heart, and not against it.

Images courtesy of Benjamin Lacombe

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