Listening To Intuition: In Which Cases?

Do you know in which situations it is good to trust intuition? There is a part of the brain that deals with so-called intuitions and it is very powerful. But where is it?
Listening to intuition: in which cases?

The hustle and bustle of everyday life can hinder listening to any form of spiritual guidance. When we plan everything we will do throughout the day and take the path of what is written, it is difficult to listen to intuition.

According to Plato, intuition was the highest expression of intelligence, a way to attain knowledge that neither observation nor experience nor inference or reason can help us achieve.

But what exactly is intuition and how can we know when to trust? The Accademia della Crusca defines it as “The action with which the intellect sees the truth; Spontaneous action, preceding and calling for reflection ”.

The best way to start working on our intuition is probably to ask ourselves two questions: Am I happy? Do I feel satisfied? These are just two of the countless questions that instinct can lead us to deepen, to then implement the necessary changes and answer clearly and sincerely in the affirmative to both.

The first psychological study on intuition is due to the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung who proposed adding it as a personality trait.

He argued that those with this resource are more likely to let themselves be dominated by their own thoughts, rather than adopting the “bottom-up” approach, in which facts drive decisions.

These people therefore let their thoughts and feelings take over the situation, through a “top down” approach.

Intuition is natural and butterfly on the hand.

In which areas of the brain does intuition reside?

As indicated in a study conducted by a team of experts from the University of Iowa, the so-called “intuition axis” of the brain is the prefrontal cortex, or the so-called vmPFC. Certainly there are many cultural representations of the seat of intuition.

For example, in the X-Men comics and movies, how does Professor X invoke his psychic powers? Placing your fingers on your temples and closing your eyes. Then, from the center of the forehead, the energy waves are released in all directions. This axis of intuition is right there, in the center of the forehead.

The study indicates that being highly intelligent is the key to success. However, very often this premise does not materialize, given that people with a high intellectual coefficient or with a damage to the axis of intuition tend to have problems or blocks in the decision phase.

Putting aside intuition and its usefulness, especially when the amount of information is so huge that processing it analytically and consciously is impossible, means giving up the best tool we can count on in these situations.

Without intuition we tend to become more gullible, more vulnerable to advertising, and learn less from mistakes, as explained in this study.

Listen to intuition: meditation is the path

Learning to trust our instincts is, in essence, a practice and as such requires commitment and dedication. But it’s easier than we might think, and very rewarding.

In fact, intuition is a kind of emotional conjecture (or foreboding) that we can refine with the help of a few simple techniques.

According to Allan Wallace, a Tibetan Buddhist and author of the book The Mind: Where Science and Spirituality Meet , we can develop our intuition with the help of meditation.

It is a primal technique that allows us to focus and calm the mind, while eliminating the “pollutants” or residual thoughts that hinder the original intuitive ability.

Person who meditates.

What is the role of meditation?

Meditation is nothing more than a training for the mind, a tool capable of giving us greater emotional freedom by making us get in touch with the surrounding environment and making us open to the experience. A technique that helps us relax to enter a state of mental clarity, thus making us more decisive.

A report by neuropsychologists at Wake Forest University reads that participants who practiced meditation were able to significantly increase their brain activity.

Technically speaking, they had increased the interconnectivity of the prefrontal cortex, the area of ​​the brain responsible for controlling behavior and decision making. What does it mean for those who want to listen to intuition?

These results have shown that meditation puts us in touch with our very powerful, but shy, feeling of awareness of our inner world.

In addition to this, it allows us to amplify it to live a life with greater financial resources, quality relationships, easier work situations and even better health. Thus, if meditators often achieve success in everything they do, we too can succeed.

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