Headhunting: Do You Know How It Works?

Headhunting: do you know how it works?

Literally translated from English, the word  headhunting is not very reassuring or even offensive. But if we talk about talent hunting, the question changes. Currently, headhunting is one of the most used methods for selecting personnel by companies.

It consists of looking for the best candidate for a specific job position, sometimes even without him actively seeking employment. The headhunter therefore has the task of finding profiles in line with the needs of the company that uses its services and selecting the most qualified candidate.

When is headhunting used?

The origin is relatively recent. It was born around the 50s and 60s in New York, as a way to find talents capable of occupying management positions. In those years in the United States they opened a series of small businesses that over time consolidated themselves as large multinational headhunting companies.

Currently, this search method is less used to find people suitable for positions of responsibility. It is mainly used to identify profiles that are difficult to find, either due to the presence of few figures in the labor market, due to the high quotation, training, skills or high skills.

Recruiter looking for candidates

How a headhunter works

There is no doubt that the Internet and new technologies have given a huge boost to this methodology and have, in some way, conditioned it. Before the “connection”, the selection of personnel was much more difficult. Recruiters were obliged to use their own contact list to search for possible candidates.

With the help of social networks, email and search engines, this job has become easier. Not to mention the numerous platforms that allow you to obtain immediate information on a candidate’s work, academic and educational curriculum. With a single glance you can understand if it is the profile you are looking for or not.

It’s like having a large catalog just a click away, however, despite the considerable time savings, headhunting remains a long and multi-stage process.

Stages of the headhunting process

Headhunting firms are usually hired by other firms. From these they receive the task of finding a specific profile to fill a specific position. The first phase of the process is undoubtedly listening to the customer’s needs.

  • Study of the professional profile required by the client company: several bilateral meetings are held to establish what you want and what you don’t want to achieve. They are the foundation of the subsequent work.
  • Classification of recruiting sources : professional networks, contacts, job portals, competing companies, databases. The headhunter consults the net, transforming himself into a Sherlock Holmes of the online job market.
  • First contact with the candidate: he is explained what the offered position consists of, what is the profile sought and more information is requested.
  • Job interview : this usually begins with the analysis of group dynamics, followed by an individual interview.
  • Preparation and presentation to the client of a report on the candidate: after the sorting, a file is produced with the data of the candidates considered most suitable.
  • Presentation of the finalist candidates to the client: he has the last word.
Job interview

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In human resources, a very important aspect is the candidate’s curriculum or career path. But the human and non-verbal aspect is equally essential. Everything is evaluated: the handshake, the clothing, the appearance, the posture assumed during the interview, the scent or the way in which one speaks.

Once this information is obtained through face-to-face contact, the recruiter will be able to know whether or not the candidate meets the client’s needs. Rakesh Khurana, an expert in organizational behavior, assures that the job of ‘headhunters’ is to coordinate, mediate and legitimize. They are the ones who decide if a person can be considered talented and can access the network that opens the doors to elite positions ”.

Advantages of headhunting

The advantages of the outsourcing method in the search for professional figures are many. Compared to traditional methods, you save on costs and time. What used to take weeks of work can now be solved in just a few hours. The personalized approach, the optimization of resources and the commitment to research give the client company peace of mind and support.

Furthermore, outsourcing the selection process ensures a more refined search for the ideal candidate. Companies that offer headhunting services are dedicated exclusively to the hunt for talent, so it is assumed that their ability exceeds that of any human resources department within the company.

Woman at job interview

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If you are unemployed or looking for a job more in line with your skills, why not go headhunter hunting? That is, why not go in search of these talent scouts and let them discover you?

First, it  is useful to keep at least one profile open in the social networks frequented by recruiting professionals. Once you are there, identify the companies you would like to work for. Search for recruiters, consultants, recruiters… and add them to your network!

This will give you greater visibility: by adopting these small tricks it is more likely that you will be taken into consideration for that position you so much desire.

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