Economic Dependence In Adulthood

Economic dependence in adulthood

Whether you like it or not, money is an important part of life. And whether we like it or not, finances have changed and become more complex as a result of globalization. In addition, in many contexts, purchasing power is lower than in the past and crises follow one another. As a result, economic dependence in adulthood is a very frequent situation.

From a practical point of view, economic dependence is an effective and supportive solution to a concrete problem. From a psychological perspective, however, it prevents us from delineating a life plan. In addition, it has changed the expectations and needs of parents or family members to whom one is dependent, thus also increasing their degree of influence.

Not having a job and being subject to economic dependence affects one’s image and self-esteem

Parents and economic dependence

Leaving aside the fact that sometimes finding a job becomes a difficult undertaking, there are also cases in which economic dependence is directly promoted by the parents.  Many parents, in fact, while complaining about their children’s lack of autonomy, actually favor it.

The reasons for this can be varied. The most common is that one or both parents are dissatisfied with their life. The children, therefore, represent a pretext for distraction.

Another case may be that of parents who have difficulties in marriages and who despite everything have managed to move forward. In this context, children serve as mediators or simply as an excuse. If they became independent, they would have no other remedy than to look at each other. And maybe they wouldn’t be ready to face their difficulties as a couple.

In the same way, there are parents who are afraid of loneliness or who do not want to take on the pain that comes from an announced reality, the progressive distancing of their children in search of their own spaces. A place where parents will have their spaces, without always being the main figures or points of reference.

Children and parents who promote economic dependence

Many parents unwittingly promote financial dependence for their children. They protect them too much from childhood, making them insecure and dependent. Faced with the attempts of their children to create their own lives, they have negative reactions, demotivate them, hinder them or manipulate them.

Those who have been raised in this way are more likely to fall into economic dependence during adulthood. These are people who have little confidence in themselves, and this is the heaviest burden they have to bear when they decide to leave their parents’ home and live in a place where they have no privileges. They need their place in the world, but they don’t know how to build it.

They don’t even feel capable of doing it. This leads them to find poorly paid or unstable jobs. In addition, they fall into total paralysis when they lose their job or do not easily find a replacement for the previous one.

Frustrated woman at the computer

A problem that can be solved

When someone doesn’t believe in themselves and doesn’t trust their abilities, entrepreneurship a is not a viable option. Self-sufficiency is one of the most effective indicators in this sense.

The world is so threatening and unsustainable in the minds of these people that they prefer to take refuge in their family. Fear prevails. Their fear is so great that they prefer to be criticized or not enjoy the privileges of independence, only to not experience the instability of the challenges.

Insecure and frustrated parents often make photocopied children. Instead of striving to find the ideal job and failing to do so, energies should be focused on resolving the underlying fears that create an obstacle to progress. If this situation is not resolved, it is very difficult to build a viable project to be proud of.

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