Don’t Scream, My Feet Are Deaf

Don't scream, my feet are deaf

It is useless to scream, my feet are so deaf and, however much you raise your voice, they will not obey you. I follow my own path and sometimes I can be wrong, but no matter how loud your cries are, you won’t be able to slow my steps. You will only demonstrate your lack of education.

As they say, raising your voice will no longer prove you right, quite the contrary. You will only get misunderstanding and you will lose my respect. They say that words are the main vehicle of communication, but they also say, and never forget it, that the more they increase in volume, the more they lose value.

To reach a point of agreement, a “thank you” or a “please” and a sensible discussion that screams that silence any kind of reason are worth more. Don’t scream: tell me, listen to me, be patient and help me learn from my mistakes. We must learn from each other, not get lost in loud howls as if we were wolves. We are not animals, we are rational beings.

Who screams seeks us to attack us with his combat weapon: the word

Don’t scream, don’t attack me, don’t use the words without weighing them. Be aware that words, if not filtered by reason, can poison an entire relationship. Be brave and speak up. Think that if you scream we will not find a meeting point, because I will not play your game.

Don’t try to intimidate me by shouting, because I won’t listen to you. I will run away from your howls as if you are not talking to me, because if you want to talk to me, you must first respect me. The key to respect is the ability to listen and accept that not everyone thinks like you … And, in some cases, the first not to think like you is me.

If you don’t know how to communicate, if you feel that you are frustrated and that anger reaches your lips before you are able to think about what you want to say, put yourself in my shoes. Maybe that way you will understand me, and you will not scream. If you don’t know how to do it, I’ll give you some advice: drama, labels, “shoulds” and “I’m always right” are not good food for a relationship.

And it doesn’t even help tying things up around your finger and then bursting and yelling and complaining about everything that bothered you. Don’t wait for days to scream. Talk to me now, teach me, share with me what bothered you, so we can understand together if there is a solution to our problem. Ours, because it belongs to both.

If we find ourselves at a crossroads, it will be better for everyone to take their own path, instead of using screams to express our pain. Don’t scream, because then we won’t learn anything. Don’t scream if you appreciate me, or love me.

If you want to teach me something, be an example for me

Don’t tell me everything you do for me, don’t take the part of the victim or the one who always suffers: show me what you want. Be an example, not a provocateur. If you ask for something, it is better that it is something you do yourself, and that you ask it politely. Remember that the one who gives receives, not the one who demands without proving anything.

Think that we all make mistakes, that we are not perfect … but that we can also learn, understand and build something around us. Tell me about your fears, open your heart to me, let me understand you, so we can replace the screams with “please”.

Let’s learn together, let’s get to know each other, let’s not try to change each other: let’s try to be who we are, but in a more polite way. Don’t scream when you don’t like what I do, because if you love me you have to accept me for who I am. Don’t try to change me by screaming, you’ll only hurt me. Don’t scream at me, because my feet are deaf… And however loud you can raise your voice, you won’t decide where they go.

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