When You Stop Waiting, Your Life Changes

When you stop waiting, your life changes

In life, I like to act simple. One of my daily activities for a few days has consisted in trying to free my conscience from vain hopes, from eternal promises and from all that these generate in my life. I realized, in fact, that I was wasting a lot of energy imagining myself in the future situation in which I hoped to be… I was concentrating too much on tomorrow.

So I made the decision to stop living hoping and expecting something from myself. As soon as you make such a decision, the heart sighs with relief and the soul begins to really live. In general, we focus too much on how we should live, without realizing that in this way we are only conditioning ourselves, and not really living. We put our soul in a cage, and we turn it into an automaton.

And so, one day I decided to stop always thinking about what I expected from myself, about all the hopes I was living in. I decided to stop creating expectations for myself and to live by waiting for them to happen, all the time. And so I started focusing on what was going on in each moment and enjoying it instead of waiting.

 Stop expecting something from others

I also decided to stop expecting something from others, because the truth is that it is not always easy for those around us to value us, for our partner to understand us and for others to trust us, our potential and our abilities. I learned that the most important thing was that I believed in myself  and did things without expecting anything in return, simply because it was what I wanted.

Don’t just focus on the money

Before, I focused on the goal of earning more, thanks to the job opportunities that awaited me. I realized that the greater my desire for material reward, the less success life offered me, and in the end I couldn’t get what I wanted. I therefore decided to gladly accept what I had, feeling that I didn’t need anything else to feel good about myself or be happy.

I realized that I was not enjoying or savoring what I had at that moment, because my attention was focused only on the future, on the moment when I would have more and gained more. The truth is, I was missing the most important moment, the present moment.

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Stop hoping that everything is perfect

Why should we hope that everything is perfect? I realized that when I thought of it this way, I couldn’t feel true inner peace. The one that is present at the bottom of the soul of all of us, since birth. Our essence and our gift as human beings, unique and extraordinary.

When we stop hoping that everything is perfect, we stop depending on what happens around us, finally highlighting our true power, our serenity and inner balance. Something that nothing and no one can ever ruin. Perfection does not exist, and I am tired of looking for it.

Don’t always think about tomorrow

When we focus too much on tomorrow, it means that we are afraid of not being able to overcome what we fear and what could happen. This is why I decided to repeat myself more often “ what must happen happens, but it always happens for a good reason ”.

We all have future plans. I too have set myself some goals to reach, but when we evaluate our life taking into consideration the previous sentence, we can perceive the great opportunities that await us. And our projects become nothing in comparison!

If there is one thing I have learned it is that expectations turn off the energy and make us focus on only a couple of paths or options. Furthermore, these are almost always possibilities that are already in our mind and so our energy is blocked, because it only thinks about “how” to reach them, instead of thinking about “why”.

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I was always waiting for something. My mind was creating a chain of events that I wanted to happen in my life, and so my head was always working under pressure, to be able to meet my expectations without forgetting anything. My body was always active, and I never stopped wondering what would happen next and what I could do to get what I wanted.

And all this because I didn’t even know how to achieve what I expected from myself. But do you know what the funniest thing is? That when I stopped thinking about this chain in a mechanical way, all of a sudden I could think of exceptional answers and ideas , which allowed me to achieve things in a simpler and more exciting way.

When I kept repeating myself what I had to do, I got too tired both physically and emotionally. As if I was training for a marathon where in the end I got a disappointing result, and that took away a piece of my life. Here is the paradox: the long journey to get what I wanted was taking away some of my life energy. It doesn’t make sense, doesn’t it?

After thinking about all this for a long time and realizing what my soul and heart needed, my life began to fill with new gifts that came by themselves. I started to value what life was giving me and that I didn’t appreciate before because I was too focused on the question “how can I get it?”.

And finally, here’s the secret: I decided to stop controlling my life and just focus on how things were going to go. Everything happens in due time and with its natural rhythm, because everything has its own time, simple and unalterable. Only when we understand this can we learn to feel life and let it flow without expecting anything. Simply by living, and always remaining true to ourselves.

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