3 Painful Truths We Forget Too Quickly

3 painful truths we forget too quickly

Aldous Huxley said that “facts do not cease to exist just because we ignore them”. In fact,  not wanting to see reality does not mean that things are different. Conversely, accepting reality, even if it can hurt, gives us the opportunity to adapt. However, some of these painful truths are forgotten too quickly.

It doesn’t matter if you have a few or many life experiences. Certainly, at some point, you were forced to learn an important lesson in a painful way, whether it was directly or indirectly. Sometimes it is necessary to remember the truths learned with the bad ones or by observing how our loved ones have suffered.

It is not about living in fear, but neither is it about acting as if life were eternal or as if we could forever enjoy what we have today. The truth can hurt, but it can also help us keep our feet on the ground and, above all, enjoy the present to the fullest.

Being busy doesn’t necessarily mean being productive

We all must, or at least we should, have a goal in life. Our goals require commitment and effort. Being productive means working towards those goals. For this reason, we must not forget that doing something does not imply that that job brings us closer to what we want.


Many people spend their day doing things, filling their calendar with activities, spending hours in front of computers or electronic devices. However, to achieve a goal, it is not necessary to do much, but to do what is useful. The problem is that what is needed is usually very hard and complicated, and it is easier to deal with anything else that identifies as something similar.

If you have a goal in life, you need to be really productive, think about what you need to do and do it effectively. Informing yourself about how to do something, planning your future, talking about what you would like to do or doing something to understand how it could be is fine during the first phase, but if you want to go far, you have to take a step further.

After all, what really matters is not what you have done to achieve something, but the goal that you have actually achieved. It doesn’t matter how hard you tried, the hours you invested, the money you spent, the desire you have or how much you have discussed it and how much you have thought about it. Stop acting for the simple purpose of doing and start being aware and responsible for your time and actions.

All successes are preceded by some failures

To be wrong is human and this is one of the most important truths that exist. Some mistakes are inevitable, others simply happen because you didn’t consider some factors that you thought were irrelevant or that you simply didn’t identify. It does not matter. By taking advantage of your mistakes, you can learn fundamental lessons that you won’t find anywhere else.


To learn from a mistake, you need to forgive yourself, not be ashamed and put the facts on a scale. All the greatest have failed. If you don’t give up, nothing is lost.

The difference between the master and the apprentice lies in the number of times they have failed: the master has failed much more often. The more mistakes you make, the more opportunities you will have to learn and, therefore, the more knowledge you will acquire.

Life is short

The average life expectancy of humans is just over 80 years. In some parts of the world or in some cultures, this average is slightly higher or even far lower. Be that as it may, ten or twenty years are nothing compared to thousands of years in the history of mankind or millions of years in the history of the universe.

Death will come for everyone one day, but the world will continue to turn and history will continue to run its course. Despite this, when one of our loved ones passes away, we feel a great surprise and strong bewilderment. Even when it comes to an announced death, something inside us alters anyway.


How many other things could that person have said or done? How many things has she lost? How many things have you wanted to tell her and have you never said to her? How many things did you think you could have changed in her?

Many people, when they hear death approaching, realize that they have made many mistakes, that they have missed many opportunities. Not having lived freely, but conditioned by the environment that surrounded them. Our time in this world is short, but it is enough if we are able to make the most of it if we live by following our values ​​and trying to grow as people starting from the awareness of who we are and what we do.

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