Why Is Loving Yourself Important?

Why is loving yourself important?

How many times have you heard that loving yourself is important? Really, if you love yourself you can love others, or so they say. What do you think about it?

So if it seems so good to love yourself, why do we choose to do the opposite ? Who wouldn’t want to love themselves? Today we will answer all these questions.

I choose not to love myself

Perhaps this is not your case, but many times, when faced with a negative situation or circumstances, we usually act in the opposite way to what we should be adopting. Why do we do it? Why do we enjoy what makes us suffer and feel bad?


It is simply a “masochistic” way of dealing with what has hurt us and having control, albeit momentary, over something that we have not been able to control before.

If you choose not to love yourself, you may be doing it because it is easier for you to let others think for you. Others are important, you are not. Do you know what all this triggers?

1. Apologies

You have a thousand and one excuses to believe that others do not have to love you: you do not deserve it, you are not important, you are always the problem, etc. These and many other excuses will keep you from loving yourself and will prevent others from doing it too. This attitude will only cause you deeper and deeper unhappiness.

2. Avoid risks

At first, you might think that avoiding risks is a good thing, but that’s not the case at all! Avoiding the risks of having friendship or love relationships for not having to endure any rejection or pain is not healthy. Taking risks is part of us becauseā€¦ if everything goes well? What if we are happy?

3. Don’t go ahead

You get stuck, you avoid going forward for fear that everything will change. This is the greatest fear for many people. Get out of your safe zone ! You are sure, but don’t go on. We are all destined to find something more, progress. Otherwise our life would have no meaning and we would not be happy.

4. Make martyrs

In addition to not loving yourself, you like others to pity you. In other words, let them feel sorry for you. Honestly, do you feel good in this role of martyrs?

Behind all the pain you try to feel, there is a considerable frustration and fear. Instead of taking refuge in the words of pity of others, instead of feeding on this, change! There are other exits, don’t close yourself up like a hedgehog. You have to go on.

5. You feel sorry for yourself

In addition to choosing not to love each other, you pity yourself. This may also be a relief valve, but how long can you continue like this ? Change, being different scares you.


You have to start facing your fears in another way. Try not to hide. Don’t look for an escape route, go back and face what you are running away from. The moment has come.

6. You complain and protest

You turn into people who are constantly complaining and protesting about everything. But, it’s curious! Because you do absolutely nothing to resolve situations that you do not like and that you complain about. Sounds ironic, right? What are you waiting for to act?

7. Try to be good children

Go back in time with the goal of transforming yourself into those good, good children that adults expected you to become. Perfection does not exist. We make mistakes constantly. Wanting to be “perfect” is totally useless. Instead of growing and maturing, you will become more childish. Is that what you are aiming for?

8. It is impossible to live

Who lives your life if you don’t? Since you say that you are not worthy of happiness, you are similarly unable to lead the reins of your life. You don’t know how to live your life, how to take charge of it. What are you waiting for? Start living your life now.

9. Others are more important than you

As we have already told you, you will always think that others are more important than you. This will ensure that your life is that of others. What about your life? Aren’t you curious how it could be?

If after reading this article you realized that you don’t love each other, then find a solution! There is not one benefit of not doing it, only frustration, sadness and deep unhappiness. Your life is yours. Live it and enjoy it to the fullest because there is only one. What have you decided to do?

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