I Love Myself

I love myself

Here I am, in front of the mirror, observing and feeling myself. Forcing this situation, which in another way, is very difficult for me …

In silence, I look at myself through the image it gives me and I see myself. A combination of what is the same and different from every human being, but always authentic and unrepeatable, this is how you are, this is how I am. 

I am ready to travel to the innermost part of my being, to be honest with myself and give me all the love that I often forget and that I hope others will offer me in my place, disappointing me because it does not happen in the way I expect.

Oscar Wilde already said “Loving yourself is the beginning of a long love story”. For this reason, I searched for this private moment with myself, to tell me what I have never told myself, and I start:

-I love me … – it seems strange and indescribable, but I continue, it will be the lack of habit and we need to put more enthusiasm.

-I love myself!

I love myself because I am a unique and unrepeatable person,  there is no one like me, just as I am not like anyone else; we may have something in common, but no one is alike.

I love myself, and  in the same way I love everything that belongs to me and that comes out of me,  even if there are times when I am not very aware of it.

I love myself as I am, with my virtues and my flaws, my potential qualities and those that I still have to hone.

I love myself, and it implies that  I love my whole body,  how it is and what I can do with it. What I perceive, what I feel, what I feel, what I taste and what I smell.

I also love my mind, all those thoughts that originate from it and the feelings that arise, whatever they are.

I love myself and accept myself,  so that I can get to know myself in the most sincere and useful way that I can; to be able to seek with hope and courage the solutions to each of my difficulties, if possible, otherwise I accept the infinite possibilities that life wants to present to me.

Loving myself, I learned to see crises and problems as opportunities and not as obstacles. I observe what happens, what I think and how I feel, and then I like to discover the lesson they contain, making myself responsible for it.

I love myself and for this I know that within me there are all the resources and tools I need to survive,  I just need to discover them beyond my resistances and, if I don’t find them, I learn them.

I love myself and I love my emotions:  happiness, guilt, sadness, fear, all the emotions I experience, because I know that each of them indicates something to me to continue to know myself, to continue working and experiencing the my life. 

I love not only myself, but also my dreams, my expectations, my hopes and my challenges.  I am aware of the fact that everything is part of me, my successes, but also my mistakes. Maybe I couldn’t do it otherwise due to circumstances, but I can always look for alternatives if the situation calls for it.

I love myself and that’s why I don’t compare myself with anyone, because it’s useless. Comparing people or situations is irreversible, since I have not gone through what another person has experienced, nor another person for what I have experienced, and for this I can say that the situations are different. Everyone lives them based on their own experiences.

I love myself, I know that there are still aspects of me that I don’t know, but I am willing to discover them and build them.

I love myself, in the most sincere way that exists, unconditionally,  and for this, I take care of myself, I forgive myself and allow myself to enjoy myself.

I love myself and, when I love myself, I can love you, him, her and everyone else …

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