Reality Show: Why Do They Fascinate Us So Much?

Reality shows are present in almost all television schedules in the world. They fascinate, even if most people don’t know why. Many are attracted to what happens within the various programs because it seems spontaneous. In reality, everything is part of a script and the possibilities are very limited.
Reality show: why do they fascinate us so much?

Reality shows have become an integral part of the television schedule in many countries around the world. Almost all of them have had an overwhelming success that decreases over time to make room for a new show with the same format that takes the place of the previous program. The audience of these television programs reaches into the millions.

On many occasions, reality shows have been considered “junk TV”, especially when they show the worst in human beings in the crudest way. However, their audience hasn’t diminished. Millions of people still follow these programs and enjoy watching them with a kind of “guilty pleasure”.

Reality shows first appeared in the 1990s, but their real boom occurred in the 21st century, coinciding with the development of virtual reality and so-called post-truth.

What we have to ask ourselves is: “ How do these programs manage to fascinate such a large audience and attract the attention of so many generations? “.

Set of a reality show

The protagonists of reality shows

The reality business is to “broadcast life live” or, at least, that’s what they want us to believe. To achieve this, on the one hand, people need to be comfortable with exposing their private life. On the other hand, in front of the screen there must be spectators who have an interest in knowing the details of the protagonists’ private life.

When a casting call opens to participate in one of these programs, thousands of people flock to it. The ranks of aspiring competitors fill entire streets. Casting managers say that all of these people have a common purpose: to make a radical change in their lives. They think going on television is a golden opportunity to change their lives.

While it may seem that anyone can participate in a reality show, the reality is quite different. When selecting participants, certain characteristics are taken into account. The most important element is that the person has some oversized physical, psychological or cultural characteristics. These programs do not search for “ordinary” or “normal” people.

The characteristics of reality show viewers

Some experts point out that reality TV viewers are basically of two types. Both types, however, have one feature in common: they are voyeurs. This audience likes to look at the intimate aspects of other people’s lives without being seen. However, this voyeurism does not have the same motivation for everyone and, for this reason, two groups are identified within this category.

The first group is that of the pure curious. They want to see the protagonists exposed in their utmost crudity, because this gives them a certain feeling of power. Typically, they sit in front of the television and act as judges of human behavior. They are there to tell you how the various competitors should behave.

The second group is made up of individuals who compare themselves to the participants of the reality show. They identify with some of them and suffer or rejoice depending on the failures or victories of their favorite character.

It is as if they want to fulfill their fantasies with another person’s body. A projection mechanism acts in them. They see themselves as part of the adventure inside the body of a stranger.

Friends sitting on a sofa watching a TV program

The aspects that can create problems

A study published in Psychology Today points out that viewers fall in love with these kinds of programs so much that they end up creating bonds that are very similar to an addiction. As with drugs, reality shows cause a strong release of endorphins and, consequently, generate an addiction that can be classified as a chemical.

The reality shows also stimulate the viewers’ imagination to be able to be part of the program too. Often the public can vote to eliminate or save a competitor. This creates the illusion of having some kind of control. But the spectators do nothing but remain so. They witness the life of others, while they stop living theirs.

Reality shows can hardly be anything but entertainment. Generally, everything is planned. This means that they lack the spontaneity they theoretically boast about. What happens is modified to awaken the morbid curiosity of the public by appealing to the most elementary emotions. Reality shows are not a good alternative for spending quality free time.

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