The Tone Of Voice: What Does It Tell Us?

The tone of voice: what does it communicate to us?

The tone of voice is one of the most influential elements in communication. It contains a series of sound parameters that make sense, on a conscious or unconscious level, to the message transmitted. Among these we find: timbre, intensity of sound, speed of diction, clarity, projection, etc.

Several people can say the exact same sentence. However,  the tone of voice that is used by each communicates different psychological information. It is then that we discover that there is a verbal and a  non-verbal content in the words . The non-verbal sphere is less controllable and, consequently, more authentic.

You can understand a lot about a person by examining their tone of voice. Even when someone speaks in a language we do not know, we would still be able to understand something of their way of being and what they feel, just by listening to how they speak. We immediately give you some ideas to interpret what a person’s tone of voice tells us.

Colleagues talking

The tone of voice and perception

Regarding the phrase and its imagery, the Laboratory of Instrumental Analysis of Communication at the Autonomous University of Barcelona conducted a study on voice and perception. The conclusions reached are curious and interesting. Let’s see them together:

  • The grave tone of voice suggests maturity and generates trust in others. It is the most used in advertisements.
  • If the tone of voice is very serious, it refers to bad feelings.
  • A firm and confident voice makes us think that it is a distinct and important person speaking.
  • Speaking in a low voice suggests that the person has many weaknesses or is self-conscious.
  • Those who use a very high tone of voice convey little credibility.

Voice is a very personal criterion, nowadays used to verify identity  and have access to many computer systems. It also serves as evidence in a judgment. Its reliability is as great, if not more, than that of a fingerprint.

Child singing in front of microphone

The tone of voice: other interesting facts

Some psychologists have been concerned with revealing the occult meanings in the management of the voice. The result is a set of interpretations of numerous subtleties that are often not even perceived by most of us. Let’s see them together.


The way we breathe while speaking  gives an idea of ​​the rhythm at which we live:

  • Quiet: speak someone balanced.
  • Deep and constant: energy and dynamism.
  • Deep, steady and strong: repressed anger.
  • Superficial: lack of realism.
  • Short and quick: anxiety, distress.

Intensity or volume

It generally defines how a person interacts with himself and with others :

  • Normal: self-control and listening skills.
  • High: weakness, selfishness and lack of patience.
  • Low: inexperience and repression.

Articulation or vocalization

Vocalization  has to do with the ability to understand  and the interest in being understood:

  • Well defined: mental clarity, openness to communication.
  • Inaccurate: deception or mental confusion.
  • Very marked: narcissism, tension.
  • With hesitation: aggression, repression.


Talk about the emotional time  in which the speaker is immersed:

  • Slow: lack of interest, disconnection from the world.
  • Quick: tension, desire to hide information.
  • Regular: demeanor, repression, lack of naturalness.
  • Irregular: confusion, anxiety, communication breakdown.
Man talking and smiling

The voice and interpersonal relationships

The tone of voice defines the way a person uses to communicate with the world.  Although the interlocutor is not an expert, he unconsciously receives a series of messages through the other person’s voice. These messages shape the image he has of the person speaking.

The tone of the voice also communicates the type of relationship you want to establish with someone.  If it’s cold and sharp, it dictates distance. If it is warm and whispering, it invites an approach. The type of bond is defined by the tone of the voice.

It is important to clarify that a person’s tone of voice is not always the same. However, some elements are always present. It is precisely these constant patterns that give us the key to understanding someone’s personality or state of mind.

An excellent exercise in self-knowledge is to register ourselves in different situations and then listen to these hidden aspects in the tone of our voice. Since it is a communicative and interrelating tool, it would be good to learn how to manage it.

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