Suffering Exists, But It Will No Longer Take Over My Life

Suffering exists, but it will no longer take over my life

We have all been hurt at least once or maybe it was we who hurt. If so, we probably acted unwittingly or maybe not.

On the other hand, each person gives the things they live the importance they believe they deserve, because suffering is relative. There are those who suffer a lot for something that, to others, is only a setback and vice versa. True humanity lies in recognizing that every circumstance is worthy of respect.

In any case, it is necessary to let suffering leave us in order to live in harmony with our inner selves. It is difficult to face the moment when the only remedy is to accept what has happened, but it can be done. And, by doing so, we will win in the present.

It is also good to suffer

It is often said that pain is negative and it is completely logical to want it to move away when it threatens to get closer to us. We don’t want anything bad to happen to us that can destroy our emotional balance and make us feel trapped, with no way out. In a way, we have the tools to overcome pain, but we are never ready to deal with it when it comes.  


Even when we know we are likely to suffer, we don’t easily adapt to that situation. We have often said that every negative event has its positive side: the teaching it leaves us.

The teachings coming from the experiences we live are like small seeds that will then give life to great harvests during our journey. From this point of view, therefore, it is good to allow yourself suffering to learn from it and absorb every little thing in life.  

It is good to fail in order to find success even more pleasant. Crying is good for clearing the eyes and relieving the heart. It must be understood that, during a journey, there are ups and downs. Even downhill it is good to fall if this can help us get back up.

The past can no longer hurt you if you don’t allow it

When we are there, at the bottom of the well, we have the feeling that the tools at our disposal to ascend are out of our reach. Rightly the shadow of this feeling is what remains within us when we have overcome the past.


In other words, we live in a present in which there is no suffering but, at times, the memory of the past emerges. If this happens, it is because we have not left what we have experienced behind us, and we have to do it. Remember that the past cannot hurt us if we don’t allow it.

We will know that we  have passed that moment in the instant in which, looking back, we will discover that it is only a memory, which does not hurt or control. We deserve to go on, to forgive and forgive ourselves, depending on what we have lived.

Regain control

Suffering temporarily takes control of our life and, with patience and courage, we will recover. You are the one who has the remote control in your hand, you are the one who has the rudder in your hand to go wherever you want, starting now.


With our suitcase full of useful feelings, let’s leave behind what we don’t need.  We had fallen, but we have taken the right path again and we will not allow ourselves to be lost again. And, if fate makes it happen again, we will know how to get up.

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