Brilliant Parents Who Know How To Excite Their Children

Brilliant parents who know how to excite their children

There are good parents, good parents, and brilliant parents. Understanding and respecting the different forms of education, as varied and colorful as there are types of parents, most of them seek the best for their children, loving them and desiring their happiness. To this end, they establish rules and limits within the family environment, creating a unique system. The dynamic will be different from family to family. It can, however, be changed and it’s up to the parents to know when a bit of a revamp is needed.

The rules and limits set by parents within the family must be clear and direct, as well as strict. On the other hand, it is also essential to review and modify them as often as necessary. All this will establish the foundations of the family dynamics of each system, which will vary according to the period, generating a flow of situations that will in turn be seasoned with emotions and sprinkled with unexpected events. Well, these constitute the starting point for the psychoemotional development of each family member.

Good parents and brilliant parents

Augusto Cury, psychiatrist, therapist and writer, in his book Brilliant Parents, Teachers Fascinating (“ Brilliant Parents, Fascinating Teachers ”), confides in us the secrets to educate happy, proactive, confident and intelligent young people. Also, look at seven habits of good parents and bright parents.


1.- Good parents impose rules, brilliant parents give all of themselves

Good parents satisfy, within the limits of their abilities and resources, the wishes of their children: they buy them clothes, games, organize their birthdays, make them travel … Brilliant parents offer them something more precious, not available for money – they offer all of themselves, their history, their experiences, share their emotions, their time.

This habit typical of bright parents helps to develop in their children good self-esteem, emotional intelligence, the ability to manage defeats and frustrations, to talk and listen.

2.- Good parents feed their children’s bodies, brilliant parents feed their personality

Good parents take care of their children’s nutrition to keep them healthy, bright parents care about feeding their intelligence and emotions as well. Being educated, being in good economic conditions, having an excellent marital relationship and being able to offer the best schools are not enough for the psycho-emotional health of the children.

You have to prepare the children for

to be

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to have

. This habit of brilliant parents contributes to developing security in their children, the ability to manage their own reflections, courage, optimism, the ability to overcome fears and prevent conflicts.

3.- Good parents correct their children’s mistakes, brilliant parents teach them to think

Correcting children’s mistakes by always telling them the same things will only lead them to repeat the usual words and complaints, without having any effect on them. On the contrary, it will sow aggression, frustration and detachment. The children are surprised. Get excited. They must be made to reflect. This habit of bright parents contributes to developing critical conscience, the ability to think before acting, fidelity, honesty, questioning and social responsibility in children.


4.- Good parents prepare their children for success, brilliant parents prepare them for defeat

Good parents prepare their children for milestones, good grades, academic achievement, success in work and in social relationships. Bright parents are aware of how difficult it is to face failure and help them not to fear defeat.

This habit of brilliant parents helps to develop in their children motivation, audacity, patience, determination, the ability to cope with adversity and the ability to create and take advantage of every opportunity.

5.- Good parents talk, brilliant parents talk

Many parents are unable to talk to their children about their fears, losses and frustrations. Dialogue means to express oneself, to tell experiences, to share the secrets of one’s heart, to go beyond the simple attitude. Through dialogue, brilliant parents are able to develop solidarity, fraternity, joie de vivre, optimism and interpersonal intelligence.

6.- Good parents give information, brilliant parents tell stories

Good parents inform their children, but without telling them stories, without talking to them. Children are not interested in so much authority, so much money or power, they prefer to exploit the time by listening to stories full of emotions and experiences of their parents. 

They need brilliant parents to develop creativity, inventiveness, cunning, the ability to think schematically and find solutions in their little ones.


7.- Good parents give opportunities, brilliant parents never give up

Good parents, in the long run, pay no attention to their children’s mistakes. Brilliant parents never give up, not even when their children disappoint them, make mistakes, don’t listen to them and suffer from emotional disturbances. Brilliant parents believe in their children, strive to see what no one else sees, sow ideas in them without imposing themselves on them. They develop in their children respect for life, hope, motivation, determination and the ability to question themselves, to overcome obstacles and failures.

Parents often lose hope, they feel they have failed as such. Yet we must understand that being a parent means taking on a great responsibility, but with affection, with simplicity. We can learn educational techniques, read theories, learn about Piaget’s and Vigotsky’s ideas, Freud’s psychoanalysis, Gardner’s multiple intelligences and Plato’s philosophy, but if we are not able to enchant, excite, teach to think about our children, conquer the key to their memory, no study will be valid or applicable.

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