Who Am I? A Question To Awaken The Conscience

Who I am?  A question to awaken the conscience

If we ask you if you are sure you know who you are, the question may seem ridiculous. How can you not know? You are Pietro, Giovanni, Luigi, Sara, Alberto, etc. Sure, but that’s just your name, while my question goes way beyond, and has an equally simple answer, only more fascinating.

This is a fascinating issue because it involves growth, commitment and a little time to dedicate to yourself. The answer therefore deserves the effort it takes to find it because of its transcendence and its dynamic function as the backbone of the other foundations of our life. For this reason, I invite you to continue reading and find it together!

Do you know who you are?

Ask yourself this question: who am I? Never mind, the first thing that came to your mind: whatever it is, you can rest assured that it is not the truth. It cannot be otherwise, since the answer to the question is none other than your ego. Using your conscious mind, the ego fabricates an identity for you so that you can answer that question. It makes you believe you are a separate person from the rest of the world.

It makes you see the world as a collection of fragments and divisions, and you are none other than one of them. Also, he does everything he can to get as much as possible, because he loves to own. Its main objective is to separate that idea of ​​”I” as much as possible from the rest of the fragments into which it divides reality.

It takes advantage of the fact that the conscious mind is in contact with the material world and, here, there are limits imposed by space and time. There is distance and duration and the ego takes advantage of it, because in this way it can create divisions as it pleases.

It is normal for the ego to respond, as we are venturing into its territory: that of the conscious mind. However, this is not a disadvantage. If you know how to use it, you can push it to help you create certain distances (not physical, but at the level of inner development) to get away from the ego itself.

In other words, by taking this path, you could move away from your false self and get closer to your true essence. The key is to repeat that question, but never forget that the answer is none other than the ego and that, therefore, the answers it gives are always false.

A meditation exercise to discover our true identity

The ego is based on duality. He likes to diversify. To escape its control, therefore, it is necessary to take the opposite path: that of unification. To do this, you need to practice meditation. The question “who am I?” it represents a very strong basis for doing so.

We therefore propose the following exercise:

  • Sit comfortably, keeping your back straight.
  • Close your eyes and relax your body.
  • Take three slow, deep breaths, paying attention to your breathing.
  • At this point, breathe again at your natural rhythm and focus your mind on your breathing. Count mentally with each inhalation and exhalation cycle.
  • If you lose count, start over.
  • Once you have counted to 10, ask yourself: who are they? Ask yourself the question several times. You can even view it.
  • Remain in a receptive state. Don’t look for anything. Simply remain alert and with the utmost curiosity in the face of the possible appearance of any event, be it a sound, a mental image, a word, etc. At this stage, mindfulness is a very powerful practice. If you are trained, you will be able to get better results.
  • As soon as an idea arises, deny it. For example, if your first response is “I am (your name)”, respond mentally by saying, “I am not (your name), I am who is called by that name.” If the answer is, however, “I am the director of company X”, answer yourself: “I am not the director of company X, I am the person who has the role of director in that company”. If the answer is “I am this body”, answer yourself: “I am not this body, I am who has this physical aspect”. Give yourself similar answers to any ideas that arise in your mind.
  • End. Whenever you want, take three deep breaths, open your eyes and finish the exercise.

Find out who you are

We advise you to do this exercise every day, dedicating it to the moment of the day that is most comfortable for you and the time you have available. The important thing is regularity. If you really work it out, it will be easier to keep putting it into practice and then you will see that it is a real revelation.

Every day you will know a little better who you are. This means that you are getting closer to your “higher self”. For sure, now you will understand that the answer to the title of this article cannot be expressed in words. It is completely impossible. You can only get to know it with direct experience and this is where this exercise wants to lead you.

In general, practicing meditation leads you in this direction, from the lower self to the higher self. When you are too close to the ego, you know who you are. When you reach a meditative state, however, you get closer to our true essence and then you will know that you have succeeded, because you will no longer know who you are.

You will only know that you are, that you exist … Along this path, mindfulness remains a very powerful tool.

We wish you a good meditation and hope this exercise will help you gain benefits along the way of your inner growth.

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