The 5 Virtues That Define A True Friend

The 5 virtues that define a true friend

Have you ever stopped to think about how many friends do you have? A recent study argues that Spaniards have a greater number of friendships than inhabitants of neighboring countries. However, is the quality of such friendships good enough to call them such? In other words, are they real friends or just acquaintances and “nice people”?

Of course, the word “friend” is often abused. Many enjoy sharing time with nice people, but that doesn’t mean they’re friends.

Friendship means more than sharing moments. Few of these companions are really interested in how you are, and even fewer are willing to be around you in dark times.

Today we will talk about the 5 virtues that define a true friend, so that you can understand the greatness of the word “friendship”. In this way, you will be more aware of who your true friends are and you will be able to better cultivate your relationship with them.

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What are the 5 virtues that a true friend possesses?

  1. Listen without judging. People have a tendency to help others by sharing their feelings and opinions, often in an excessive way. We have all sinned at least once when, in relating to someone, we have used an excess of ego.

The mismanaged ego leads us to treat the people around us with negative judgments ; it is precisely these that take us away from the well-being of our friends or family.

These harmful criticisms are the complete opposite of what a true and full friendship relationship produces.

When we need someone to listen to us, we tend to seek the company of our family, partner or friends. Listening is an action that represents a very special gift : the time dedicated to the full. You should never use the verb “duty” with a friend.

Among true friends, any action, help or support arises spontaneously, without asking for anything in return. Listening means understanding the meaning of the message that is transmitted to us and its context.

Empathy can be described as a feeling that allows us to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, in this case our best friend, even if we are not experiencing the same situation. In the context of interpersonal relationships, empathy allows a person to feel close to the pain or suffering of someone else thanks to affection, a matter of ethics or human emotions. A true friendship will use it constantly. The “I’s” are set aside, to be replaced by a silence filled with affection and attention. There are things we don’t realize, but friends are always willing to do.

  1. He doesn’t give much importance to discussions. Receiving constructive criticism or simply an opinion different from ours is not always easy to accept; at times, it is even offensive to us. Surely, you too have argued with your friends a few times. Regarding the term “discuss”, there is an important definition, which has lost value over time : a discussion is the presentation of valid arguments by both parties, until a positive solution is obtained.

Based on this definition, therefore, it can be said that “arguing” and “arguing” are not synonymous. Arguing is a healthy and often necessary action within our interpersonal relationships. When you have a discussion with a sincere friend, you will understand the importance you want to give to it or not. True friends only consider the true meaning of an argument, ignoring the trivial parts, and continue to rely on you, just as you continue to do with them.

  1. He cares about you. It is likely that, like me, at some point in your life, you have asked yourself the following question: “Do my friends only look for me when they need me ?”. When you ask yourself these kinds of doubts, it means that the pro forma “how’s it going” and the hypocrisy have become the core of the relationship with that particular person.

Hypocrisy is the constant or sporadic attitude of feigning beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities or standards that you do not have and are not practicing. The hypocritical “friend” shows qualities and feelings different or contrary to those he really feels and experiences. In the long run, building life on such relationships produces suffering and emotional distress.

Fortunately, there are still friends who remember all the moments that worry you or that are important to you, thanks to pure and unconditional love. They remember your problems and think about them throughout the day, making sure you are aware that they are there next to you without asking for anything in return.

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  1. Turn your flaws into virtues. You too will agree that no human being is perfect. Many of the people around you will not like your flaws and will be convinced that their mission is to let you know. Precisely those flaws that make you so unique.

However, you will also be lucky enough to keep those people who don’t care about your moles close to you, empowering the best of you. These are the true friends.

  1. It is always next to you. The differences that separate you or the strong arguments that have arisen between you do not matter if you are really friends. Neither time nor distance has any relevance in maintaining affection: true friends will always be close to you.

You know that you can count on them in the most difficult moments. They will offer you their unconditional support and, more importantly, they will want to participate in your life as authentic and essential companions.

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