Give Up On People Who Don’t Think You Are Important

Give up on people who don't think you are important

Give up all situations that make you feel bad, give up people you don’t care anymore. Giving up is not easy, it is a very important step in which we feel insecure and full of doubts. Despite this, there are times when we are left with no other choice if we want to stop suffering.

It’s hard to let go of the people who have been important to us in the past. Now, they no longer look in the same direction as us, their goals and objectives no longer coincide with ours. What do they give us now? Staying connected to them will only make us suffer and prevent us from moving forward. The smartest solution is, therefore, to give up.

Give up out of respect for you

How many times have we talked about the beautiful train metaphor? That train on which we are the protagonists, on which there are people who get on and who stay on board, while others decide to get off after a few stations. To some people we will only dedicate a greeting. With others, however, we will share our journey and embark on a much deeper relationship and bond.

What happens with the people who become important to us? We would like them to stay aboard our train and never get off again. However, we cannot force anyone to accompany us until the end of our journey. Many of these people will get off and that will hurt a lot at first. However, as time passes, we will understand that we must learn to let go, because no one belongs to us.


Clinging to a situation that has no future will only make us feel bad. We are giving everything we have for a relationship that has no way out. We have always been told that we must give without expecting anything in return. Yet, the problem arises when this dynamic becomes a habit and we run the risk of hurting ourselves, hitting the same wall over and over again.

Giving up on a person is an act of self-love. We must allow ourselves the opportunity to heal the wounds born of that relationship that has not been fruitful. Only in this way will we be able to get to know other people and discover that there are those who will really give us a hand, freely, throughout our life.

Not being sure of other people’s feelings

Sometimes a person’s feelings change, but still he doesn’t abandon us. This often happens in couple relationships where love is reduced to affection, despite this, it is decided to stay together. Sometimes you don’t have enough courage, since you are now “used” to being together. Other times, however, one thinks that one’s partner is not to blame for not being loved anymore.


The main problem with this situation is that both partners end up in pain. One of the two will find himself empty, because his partner no longer satisfies his needs, while the other will feel chained, because he is with a person for whom he no longer feels anything.

In this way, it is not strange that the displays of affection are swept away by frustration and that those unmistakable signs arise that indicate that everything is now over:

  • It no longer cares about your needs

    , especially from an emotional point of view. Demonstrations of affection are now a thing of the past and this is why you begin to feel alone and abandoned.

  • It doesn’t take your ideas or criteria into consideration

    and then starts making decisions on his own. In most cases, all of this is aimed at satisfying his needs.

  • You keep the relationship afloat

    , to give everything. If, at some point, you stopped giving, knowing that you would receive nothing in return, the relationship would come to an end.

  • You begin to feel humiliated, criticized

    … Your partner starts walking away from you for no apparent reason. Suddenly, what was your source of unhappiness has become your toughest jury.

For some reason, you are no longer a priority for that special person and it hurts you. The right thing to do would be for this person to be honest with you, so as not to have to recognize these clues on their own, which is certainly not pleasant.

Remember that giving up is voluntary, even if you don’t really want to. However, you must make this decision to avoid suffering again.


In your life you will often find yourself in situations where you have to decide to give up on partners, friends and even your family. Learning to say goodbye, understanding that that separation is good for you is a reality that you will only understand with experience.

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