It Is Not Luck: It Is Perseverance, Effort And Sacrifice

It is not luck: it is perseverance, effort and sacrifice

It is neither luck nor a whim of fate. If I got to where I am and to own what I have, it was thanks to the values ​​that don’t need spectators: perseverance, effort and sacrifice. True success is being happy with the people you love and feeling proud of yourself for what you have achieved.

We live in a society in which personal triumph is sometimes viewed with distrust and distrust. If someone has managed to get where they wanted, it is because third parties have moved the necessary threads for it to happen. We certainly cannot deny that it happens sometimes. However, true talent exists and does not cease to be a discipline marked by tenacity, perseverance and patience.

When we talk about success, we’re not just referring to professional triumph. We also talk about people who achieve ideal well-being with the dream partner, with family, with friends and with the ability to face any difficulty with courage and optimism. Not even in these cases luck has moved the strings.

Because true happiness and triumph in life are the result of a wise perseverance that knows its struggle. That wise perseverance that gives all of herself for what she loves, for what she dreams and longs to achieve. In fact, and we are sure of it, every day thousands of people keep silent about their personal sacrifices and efforts without needing to make them public.

This is the real talent, the one that knows neither sacrifices nor lucky strokes of fate …


Perseverance moves mountains

Confucius once said that those who move mountains begin by taking away the smallest stones.  Success in any area of ​​life, in fact, comes by persistence. Thanks to that perseverance that we integrate into our being as an extra need, as someone who breathes, as someone who goes out every day for a walk wearing his old sneakers dreaming of going a kilometer further.

Anders Eriksson, a famous psychologist at the University of Florida, explains that people who achieve success or triumph do not have any type of cell that makes them different from others. It is clear that not “we are all good at everything”. In any case, there are those who know how to harmonize a series of basic dimensions that allow them, without a doubt, to achieve what they propose:

  • Proper management of emotions, tenacity, perseverance, effort and resistance to frustration.
  • Furthermore, people who possess these characteristics do not depend on external motivations. They know how to motivate themselves, they know their limits and they exploit their abilities.

We must also take into account the fact that there are many talented people. In fact, we are all good in a specific area. However, although intelligence is not in short supply in this world, it is sometimes constancy and faith that fail. Sometimes the scars and tripping that society itself makes us hurt a lot, as well as our limiting attitudes.

Paul Bloom, a Yale psychology professor, tells us that empathy is overrated. We all pretend to try it, but in reality there are very few who manage to connect with the personal and emotional realities of others. In fact, there is one aspect that is curious: it is easier to empathize with the pain of others than with the happiness of others.

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