The Benefits Of Laughter

The benefits of laughter

Neruda said it, and he was not wrong: sincere laughter is the mirror of what we have inside, because facing life with a good mood is one of the ways in which we can take care of our soul and our health.

When we laugh, we get numerous benefits, radiating positive energy around us and creating a feeling of well-being. Why not start brightening our days with a smile?

Laughter is the language of the soul

Sure, sometimes we have to face situations that cause us sadness, but it’s really good to increase the moments we laugh.

In fact, we are surrounded by numerous possibilities to burst into sincere laughter … And sometimes we do it without even understanding why . Our laughter is irrational and exclusively human.

What happens when we laugh?

Since we are about 5 months old, if not earlier, when we laugh, the brain orders our body to produce endorphins. Endorphins have an effect similar to that of morphine, so our life balance will be grateful to us.

When these effects occur, negative energy gives way to a positive mood. And there is nothing better than being able to convey positivity to others through laughter.

Laugh and the world will laugh with you: why?

Laughing brings numerous benefits, of a different nature: affective, emotional, physical, psychological … But why is laughing good?

  • Because your laugh can cause another person to smile : you can never know how important it is to others that you are happy.
  • Because your state of mind will be grateful to you : laughing helps to overcome depression and daily stress. It also increases our self-esteem and self-confidence, making us overcome shame, fear and suffering.
  • Because our health improves when we laugh sincerely : Laughter strengthens our immune system, is good for the lungs, brain, and even helps prevent heart attacks. Thanks to laughter, our muscles relax and blood pressure decreases.
  • Because laughter helps burn calories and improves the quality of our daily life. That’s right: if you want to burn calories, a good way to do it, in addition to proper nutrition, is to laugh. And not only will you burn them, but you will sleep better and your skin will be more toned.
  • Because laughing cancels negative thoughts and strengthens our imagination. Spontaneous laughter increases our creativity, because it frees us from tensions.

Anything that makes you laugh is worth it

Over the years we realize that laughing is more important than crying or that, at least, if we cry twice it is good to laugh at least three.

Precisely for this reason,  there are therapies, such as laughter therapy, which help us not to forget the importance of laughter  and which can be carried out by people of all ages.

In these sessions they teach us the benefits we have just described, as well as showing us how to release our urge to laugh more often and to deal with difficult situations using the boost of laughter.

To laugh well, we must first be able to laugh at ourselves, to see the glass half full and never the half empty one, entertain ourselves with films and books full of humor, see in life an opportunity to really live.

In the long run, the moments we will remember most vividly will be those when there was laughter, because as we grow up, we learn that it is better to cry with laughter than never to laugh, and that laughter is far better than crying. .

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