Making Good Intentions: What’s Stopping Us?

Making good intentions: what's stopping us?

What are resolutions really? Why are they done when you start something? How long does the desire to make good resolutions last? It seems that having before us the beginning of a new phase is one of the best reasons to reflect on what we would like to change. And you? What are your current goals?

Leaving aside the more common goals such as losing weight and quitting smoking, which are repeated cyclically and rarely are realized, there are others, perhaps more personal and with greater weight. But what can we do to make good intentions come true? One of the secrets is to  always keep them in front of you and turn them into concrete actions. In other words, the way in which it will be carried out must be clearly defined alongside the purpose.

Transforming desires into actions is what gives our resolutions seriousness and consistency, which transforms them into seeds to obtain the fruit we want to achieve. In this sense, having an eye on them ensures that we do not forget them or that we do not make them go down our priority scale.

A study conducted by the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania showed that 92% of the population had failed to achieve their goals, and some of the reasons were as described: master plans and not concrete actions, coupled with ceasing to clearly visualize what they you want to get.

Little girl dressed as a superhero, representing those who make their own intentions

How to achieve good intentions: motivation

The secret to realizing good intentions is motivation,  making sure to keep it in the face of the erosion that can be caused by the passage of time. Do we really want to achieve what we are aiming for? Do we have the tools to do it? Is it up to us to get what we are working for? Can we see the possibility of making it happen?

Much of the answer to such important questions lies in motivation. If we see ourselves capable, if what we are chasing is really what we want, if we can visualize ourselves with what we are working for and if every day is programmed with small goals and we actually see progress, even if minimal, then we will feel a reinforcement. which compensates for that energy expenditure that involves overcoming the various obstacles that will appear.

Internal motivation is the best energy to get closer to what you want.  Making a list in which to invest time and hope and then abandon it only causes frustration and damages self-esteem. Another essential element to ensure that this list does not end up in oblivion or attached to a wall as a decorative element, is that it has an internal coherence, as well as being realistic (adapted to our possibilities and the resources we have) and that it has a basic unifying goal, which is fulfilled regardless of whatever happens. Let’s talk about personal growth.

Person who writes how to make good resolutions

What resolutions can we have?

We propose something new: put aside what you have set out to do, but which you have not achieved, because you have not succeeded in what you have sinned of strength, desire or concreteness and tangibility.  They have not become real perhaps because they are too general and you have forgotten that resolutions need to touch reality in order to survive.

We propose that you find something to smile about every day and not just have the general purpose of being happy. We propose not to set out to lose weight, but to abandon the whims of the weekend and introduce three moments a week to play sports in your agenda.

Do something you’ve never done. They don’t need to be big things, like parachuting, climbing towering, steep mountains, or visiting a country on every continent. It will be enough to sign up for activities that have never been done, try new foods, talk to different people, take new paths or see films that you would never have considered before.

The magic of good intentions is that it invites us to be better, to keep building our best version, and to create challenges for ourselves. To want to advance and expand what we know. The magic of good intentions is that we build them. So what are your new intentions?

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