5 Steps To Follow To Start A Relationship On The Right Foot

5 steps to follow to start a relationship on the right foot

A stable relationship is based on pillars that must be respected by both integral members.

These pillars are established as the relationship progresses, as they both agree on the foundations of a life together.

It is necessary for the couple to take time to establish these foundations, so that they bring stability to the relationship; otherwise, the risk is that they will be unilaterally imposed by one of the two.

However, long before establishing these pillars together (ie before being “two”), it is good that each show himself to the other individually, with his values ​​and uniqueness.

The beginning of a relationship is very important, because we show ourselves to the other as we are, so that we can then define together the rules of our relationship. If you want to get started on the right foot, follow these five steps:

1. Before you are lovers, be friends

It is very important to see a friend in the future partner. In fact, knowing each other as friends is the best way to know if you will get along well and if there are the foundations for a stable relationship.

Friendship is a relationship based on sincerity, trust, communication and in which we show ourselves for who we are, not for how the other expects us to be.

2. Enjoy the chemistry and everything that happens naturally

It is very important not to force the relationship between two people who have just met and who feel something special between them. That is, you have to enjoy the present, without being impatient to know what your story will be like in the future.

Enjoy the feelings, moments, emotions and surprises that happen in your story, naturally and spontaneously.

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3. Pay attention to yourself, self-respect

Starting a relationship doesn’t mean losing your individuality; therefore, it is right to keep one’s interests, desires and plans. Hopefully, these will be part of a larger and more complex design: the couple.

One cannot leave oneself aside to focus exclusively on the other: this would mean not respecting oneself .

From the beginning of the relationship , it is important for the other to know us and our desires, thoughts and emotions; that’s why we have to show ourselves for what we are. For this purpose , we must never tolerate disrespect or attitudes that hurt and offend us: mutual respect must be present in all relationships from the beginning.

4. Observe, know and respect the other

It is very important to know your partner, with his values, feelings, emotions, attitudes and behaviors (both towards us and with others).

Knowing the other helps us to respect his principles and his vision of life, to accept him as he is and not to get the wrong idea about him. Thus, we will understand if we are compatible and, later in time, we will be able to establish the already mentioned couple pillars.

5. Officialize the relationship when it already exists, not before

Finally , after a certain period of time in friendship, after the stage of knowledge and observation, we can formalize our relationship by calling it a “couple”, with the awareness that the feeling that unites us is called “love and falling in love”.

When this is the case, we will be ready to establish the rules of our couple, the one that arises from the union of different people, whose values ​​complement each other, who decide to share their projects and strive so that life gives them happiness. .

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